ELCA pastor claims ‘Jesus screwed up,’ called woman seeking help the B-word

A Lutheran minister claimed in a recent sermon that Jesus, who was holy and never sinned, “screwed up” and called a woman a b—- in her retelling of a biblical…

Woman finds birth mother after 44 years by joining Facebook adoption group

A Facebook group has enabled a woman adopted from Chile and brought to England when she was 6 months old to reunite with her birth mother after 44 years. #Adoption…

Activists firebomb pro-life pregnancy center in Buffalo; 2 firefighters admitted to hospital

A pro-life pregnancy center in upstate New York was fire-bombed Tuesday morning, making it the latest pro-life organization to experience vandalism ahead of a major United States Supreme Court decision…

Nurse says hospital revoked her religious exemption to COVID-19 vaccine mandate

A Virginia hospital has been accused of denying a Christian nurse a religious exemption to its COVID-19 vaccine mandate even though she claims to have been given a permanent exemption…

How the digital revolution is disrupting the Church and forcing it out of buildings

As online Christian engagement continues to expand rapidly through the use of digital technologies, it has coincided with a staggering disruption in physical church membership which some technology experts say…

From a former Muslim: Advice on sharing the Gospel in a hostile world

We are to be wise as serpents and as innocent as doves. Preaching in a fallen world requires a delicate balance of humility, brotherly love, and discernment. We should be…

Is God a therapist?

This is no childish God but a mysterious and terrifying one, and our worship should reflect that fact. As the Church’s leaders must learn great theology, so must they lead…

5 snapshots of the great commission

I believe every local church should have a faithful presence in its community. This also involves holistically ministering to the practical and material needs of the people the way Jesus…

How to cultivate a lifestyle of kindness

Marvel daily at the kindness and grace God has shown to you. Then seek to share that same level of kindness with others. Through slowing down and meditating on the…

Our fidelity to the constitution is being tested

The threat to our freedoms and our most cherished institutions is undeniable. With more decisions coming from the Supreme Court, the coming weeks and months will be decisive for the…

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