Lauren Daigle’s newly-released song ‘Tremble’ explains her experience in God’s presence

Multi-platinum selling artist Lauren Daigle released a new single this month, “Tremble,” giving her millions of fans a glimpse into her personal experience with the presence of God. Read More…

Should Christians only work and pray for “daily bread”?

Jesus taught his disciples to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11) or “Give us each day our daily bread” (Luke 11:3). This raises questions, like: Does…

Texas mayor pleads for help as migrant COVID cases surge: ‘A crisis the city did not create’

The mayor of a Texas border town is pleading for help in responding to the immigration surge as an influx of positive COVID-19 cases flow across the border, leaving the…

Atheist parolee can’t be forced to participate in Christian program, appeals court rules

An atheist parolee cannot be jailed for refusing to attend worship services or participate in a Christian transitional program, a three-judge U.S. circuit court panel has ruled.  Read More The…

Are you righteous enough to enter Heaven?

Will you submit your soul and your religious agenda to God’s plan of salvation, or are you still living under the delusion that your works can somehow make up for…

Antifa throws flash bombs at children, injures pastor at Christian prayer event in Portland

Dozens of black-clad Antifa militants carrying shields and melee weapons on Saturday assaulted Christians, including children, who were attending a prayer and worship event in downtown Portland, Oregon, featuring persecuted…

Pro-Life Christians should be wary of anti-immigrant rhetoric

Pro-life Christians who rightly dissent from a philosophy that would sanction abortion so as to restrict population growth should likewise reject arguments in favor of dramatically reducing legal immigration, because…

Why you can’t lose your salvation

Once you become a Christian, you cannot ever lose your salvation for one simple reason: God doesn’t just purpose the beginning of your salvation; He also purposes its end. Read…

Back to school is different this year

It’s back-to-school season. Like every year, children are excited about new teachers, new experiences, new clothes and maybe even some new friends. But for many families, back-to-school is not business…

Are Southern Baptists about to miss another exceptional opportunity?

I want to see the ERLC trending in the right direction again. Its positions and actions shouldn’t even smell of progressivism. Still, I fear it won’t happen unless a new…

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