Members of Congress Demand Google Censor Search Results for Pro-Life Pregnancy Resource Centers

Twenty-one Democrat members of the U.S. Congress have written a letter to Google demanding that the big tech company censor search results for pro-life pregnancy resource centers (PRCs). In the…

International Swimming Federation (Mostly) Protects Women’s Aquatic Sports From Male Athletes

The International Swimming Federation (Fédération internationale de natation – FINA) approved a policy protecting women’s sports from male athletes – unless the male “transitioned” to live as a girl before…

The Curious Connection Between 1950s Communists and Pro-Abortion Protestors Today

Perhaps you’ve heard – because of protests in front of Supreme Court justices’ homes recently over abortion and the upcoming Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision – that there’s…

The Christian Reformed Church Stands Strong for Biblical Sexuality at 2022 Synod

The Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRC), a small but influential evangelical denomination, recently voted in their annual 2022 synod to strongly clarify their denominational teaching on human sexuality.…

Daily Headlines | Monday June 20, 2022

Good morning!   Abraham Lincoln said the person who has a heart to help is the person who has a right to criticize. Coming off Father’s Day weekend, we begin…

NFL Player Leaves Million Dollar Salary to Pursue Ministry, ‘Advance Gospel of Jesus Christ’

One professional football player is leaving behind his million-dollar salary and hanging up his football cleats for good. Instead, he’s getting in the game and putting on the helmet of…

Senate Committee (Again) Votes to Force Women to Register for Draft

A bipartisan majority of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee has voted in favor of a proposal to require women to register for the draft. According to House Representative Chip…

Last Abortion Clinic in South Dakota Shuts Down

Sioux Falls Health Center, a Planned Parenthood clinic in South Dakota, announced it was pausing what it called “abortion care.” The center was the last active abortion provider in the…

FBI Investigating Pro-Abortion Violence, Asks for Public’s Help

Following a rash of violence at churches and pregnancy resource centers across America after a draft Supreme Court opinion was leaked in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case…

Gallup Reports Belief in God Dips to New Low. But Is That Really Bad?

  The Gallup polling organization is reporting that American’s belief in God has reached an all time low, down from 98% when they first started asking this question in 1944…

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