Tis the Season for Christology: How the Hymns of Christmas Teach Right Doctrine

Neither cultural darkness nor theological apathy is new. Still, this season is uniquely full of songs proclaiming that hope, and that articulate the theological realities that grounds that hope. Read…

Generosity: Why We Give

Generosity reflects God who generously created the world and, in Christ, generously gave Himself for us. So, please, on this Giving Tuesday, give. To support the Colson Center, visit colsoncenter.org/givingtuesday2022.…

We’re Called to Oppose Antisemitism

Each and every Christian should be clear on this point: Anti-Semitism in any and all forms is a despicable evil. Read More Breakpoint

Angel Tree: Sharing Christmas With the Children of the Incarcerated

Every year, our sister organization Prison Fellowship offers a way to spread some Christmas cheer to the children of those incarcerated. It’s called Angel Tree.     Read More Breakpoint

Giving Generously

Wherever you choose to invest, remember that this Giving Tuesday is an incredible opportunity. Because God has given us everything, generosity is part of the Church’s living testimony of what…

The Media Gets It Wrong Again in Another Mass Shooting and a Look Back at the First Thanksgiving

As a gunman opened fire in an LGBTQ bar in Colorado Springs the media quickly blamed Christians and Christian organizations before knowing anything about the shooter. And what do you…

In the British Isles, Priests Shock the Public With the Truth

Culture is most powerful in what it normalizes, and when lies are normalized, the truth becomes shocking. Thank God for Christian ministers willing to “shock” and speak truth. Read More…

Why We Cannot Be “Uncontroversial” Christians

We need a theology of being labeled controversial, and a theology of helping each other through the professional, reputational, and personal fallout that comes with that label. Read More Breakpoint

Columbanus: A Christian Who Changed the World Through Education

This week marks the death of Columbanus, a Christ-follower used by God to nurture education and establish the Christian foundations of Europe. Read More Breakpoint

What Really Happened at Plymouth

Rather than falsely maligning that first Thanksgiving, we should look at it as a model of how things should have been and by God’s grace one day will be. This…

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