BreakPoint: “Technoshamanism”: Why a Post-christian Future is Still Religious

More than a few folks, from theologian John Calvin to philosopher William James to French theologian and historian Louis Auguste Sabatier, have noted that humans are “incurably religious” creatures. In…

BreakPoint Podcast: Is Christmas a Pagan Holiday?

Historian and long-time friend of the Colson Center, Dr. Glenn Sunshine joined Shane Morris to discuss if Christmas is a pagan holiday. During his conversation with Shane, Dr. Sunshine answered…

The Point: Instagram Harms Teen Girls

Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist, believes social media platforms should be held accountable for the damage they cause teenage girls. He offers many reasons why.   In one study, young…

Erasing Women

A few years ago, my friend and former Breakpoint co-host Eric Metaxas wrote a book called Seven Women. While researching for the book, Metaxas made a strategic decision: he would…

BreakPoint This Week: Natural Disasters and the Value of Life, Rising Crime, and Deaths from Despair

John and Maria discuss the destruction from a series of Tornados that swept the Midwest this week. The explore the worldview significance of the devastation in light of our culture’s…

The Point: Music Matters

Every generation, it seems, complains about the next generation’s music, sometimes for moral reasons and other times from taste. When Igor Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring debuted in Paris, it sparked…

Most Men Don’t have Real Friends (but need them)

In his article “A Photo History of Male Affection,” Brett McKay catalogs the dramatic ways male friendship has changed over time. One hundred years ago, men were far more comfortable…

The Point: Linus, This is Your Cue

According to Lifeway Research, over 90 percent of Americans celebrate Christmas, but only 22 percent feel confident they could retell the story of the Jesus’ birth from memory. 17 percent…

Our Nations Crime Spike and the Need for Shalom

Yesterday on BreakPoint, we talked about the rise in addictions and overdose deaths due to our nation’s opioid crisis. Through a constellation of unemployment rates, cultural darkness, and opioid availability,…

BPQ&A: How to defend the elderly, Preparing for a post-Roe world, What is Subsidiarity?

John and Shane discuss the role of subsidiarity in the life of Christians before they answer a question for resources on caring for the elderly and those with disabilities. Then,…

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