Podcast: Seeing Jesus from the East (with Abdu Murray) – Abdu Murray, Sean McDowell and Scott Rae

Without even realizing it, many Westerners fail to understand the Bible, and the larger Christian story, from an Eastern perspective. Yet doing so unlocks the Scripture in a fresh and…

Tips for Memorizing and Using Psalm 19 to Share the Truth (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S6E17)

What does scripture say about the evidence for God’s existence? What does it say about the truth of God’s Word? How can we use a single verse to make the…

Sleep on It: Design in the Subconscious Brain

An international team reasoned there had to be a purpose for sleep. In one of the largest datasets ever collected, they believe they found two functions. Source Read More Evolution…

Darwinism as Hegelian Dialectics Applied to Biology

Nineteenth-century Darwinism was much more than a revolutionary scientific theory. Source Read More Evolution News

A Bridge Too Far? In Search of Precambrian Sponges

The most celebrated Precambrian sponge may not be a sponge at all. Watch Darwinians try to coax it into spongehood. Source Read More Evolution News

New Book by Biologist Michael Denton on Nature’s Miraculous “Primal Blueprint”

To see cells in action, he notes a remarkable video, “Neutrophil Chasing Bacteria,” made in 1950s by a researcher at Vanderbilt University. Source Read More Evolution News

The Rich, Contradictory History of Mormon Polygamy

For many, the fact Mormonism has a history of polygamy as an accepted practice is reason enough to reject the theology of Joseph Smith. But other supporters of Mormonism will…

Can We Trust Scripture on the Historical Jesus? – Sean McDowell

How do the Gospel accounts compare with other ancient writings? Sean offers a helpful comparison from the latest book on the historical Jesus. Read More Sean McDowell

Richard Weikart on How Darwinism Fueled Scientific Racism

Darwin didn’t merely predict racial genocide; he thought it would advance human evolution. Source Read More Evolution News

At What Point In Its Development Can a Human Being Feel Pain?

Peter Singer has argued that animals, like humans, deserve protection because of their ability to suffer. Source Read More Evolution News

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