Podcast: Free to Believe — The Battle Over Religious Freedom (with Luke Goodrich) – Luke Goodrich, Sean McDowell and Scott Rae

Conflicts over religious freedom have heightened especially in the last few years, and some maintain that religion is under assault in places where religious freedom has historically been protected. It’s…

Michael Denton Explores the “Third Infinity”

The diversity of cells — their variety of form, function, and locomotion — is beyond describing, with some cells almost seeming sentient, indeed ingenious. Source Read More Evolution News

Thoughts on Law Enforcement from a Christian Cop (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S6E18)

What is the nature of Law Enforcement that makes it necessary for any culture or society? What does this nature require of its employees? What challenges do officers face when…

Why Something Instead of Nothing? November 19, Oxford’s John Lennox Goes “Against the Tide”

Trumpeters for atheism are not being truthful when they say things like “Religion teaches us to be satisfied with not really understanding.” Source Read More Evolution News

Thomas Reid — Recovering Another ID Ancestor

“There’s little doubt in my mind that Reid if he were alive today would be part of the intelligent design movement.” Source Read More Evolution News

New Research Finds Molecular Machines Are Even More Amazing than Behe Realized

With better imaging and analysis techniques, details about icons of design are coming into clearer focus. The icons are looking better than ever. Source Read More Evolution News

Resources to Help You Respond to the Problem of Evil (Free Bible Insert)

I recently sat down for an interview with a host who expressed his concern about the problem of evil in our world: If there is an all-powerful, all-loving God, why…

The Religion of Apocalyptic Environmentalism – Sean McDowell

Apocalyptic environmentalists claim the world might end soon without drastic changes. Sean argues that this movement functions as a religion, like Christianity. Read More Sean McDowell

Is the Case for God Simply a God of the Gaps Explanation? (Video)

Why do Christians hit scientific roadblocks and automatically default to God as an explanation? Are we saying, “There’s no scientific explanation for this, therefore God must have done it?” Or…

Out Today, Denton “Takes the Fine-Tuning Argument to a Whole New Level”

Given a “primal blueprint” that preceded the first life, the solution can only be intelligent design. Source Read More Evolution News

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