Doctor’s Diary: The Wonder of Your Body’s Genetic Instructions

Imagine the New York Public Library cutting every manual in half daily, or more often, and sending every month entire halves to a library in London. Source Read More Evolution…

Is Information a Naturally Occurring Phenomenon?

“Consider the toothpicks. If we drop them on the ground and let them scatter randomly, they will have no shape and will thus be uninformative.” Source Read More Evolution News

Lennox Versus Dawkins: “Science and Religion as Alternative Explanations”?

John Lennox gets to the heart of a great question by challenging Richard Dawkins on the assumption that science and faith cannot coexist. Source Read More Evolution News

Despite Darwinists’ Cancel Culture, Intelligent Design Has a Breakthrough in Biology Journal

The article survived peer-review and was accepted for publication despite the open hostility of the journal’s top editors! Source Read More Evolution News

Are Moral Truths a Product of Culture? (Video)

Does moral truth change from people group to people group? Are moral truths subjective and simply a matter of cultural consensus? If moral truth is objective, how can we account…

Excerpt — The Infinite Complexity of Cells

The unique powers of cells — their “demonic catalytic powers” — and their fitness to play their unique role as the building blocks of all life are a wonder. Source…

Learning Wonder from Denton’s Latest

Around 50 BC Titus Lucretius Carus wrote a long treatise against finding purpose in nature. Source Read More Evolution News

Demons, Exorcisms, and Ghosts: A Modern Investigation. – Sean McDowell

What is the evidence the demonic realm is real? What would an investigation reveal? Sean interviews journalist Billy Hallowell about his new book. Read More Sean McDowell

My Failed Computer Simulation

I said, “You mean there is a fifth force — why didn’t you say so? Just give me the equations for this force and I will add it to my…

Does Christianity Require Pacifism?

At a time when the world is still divided by war and conflict, Christians have a duty and responsibility to examine our position related to the use of deadly force.…

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