Lessons from the Evangelical Debate About Adam and Eve

The standard evolutionary account of human origins holds that our population has always been in the thousands and humanity did not descend from an initial pair. Source Read More Evolution…

How I Came to Take Leave of Darwin: A Coda

After seeing my recent book through to publication, I began to experience a certain gnawing feeling. Source Read More Evolution News

Confronting Homosexuality in a Culture of Identity (Part 4)

By Josh Klein Lil Nas X Back to where we started. What if I told you that the issue with Lil Nas X was not his being gay, but with…

Francis Collins Evolution Book Full of Errors and Fallacies

Casey Luskin reviews the contradictions and fallacious bandwagon appeals that he says permeate the book. Source Read More Evolution News

Flash Graphene: Born Again Plastic Is Planet-Friendly

Jim Tour is a man of faith and if you talk to him, he’s quick to credit God for blessing him and his team with these innovations. Source Read More…

Serie Defensa de la Resurrección: Evidencias arqueológicas que apoyan la Resurrección

Por Brian Chilton En las últimas semanas, hemos examinado varias líneas de evidencia que apoyan la noción de que Jesús literalmente resucitó de entre los muertos. Al finalizar la serie,…

Manipulating Molecules: Combining Info + Nano for Better Medicine

“Oscar Wilde said nature imitates art,” Meyer said. And today we’re going to see that “technology is able to imitate and even in some ways, improve on nature.” Source Read…

Traditional or Not? Assessing William Lane Craig’s Model on Adam and Eve

I’m having trouble making sense of exactly what his model holds. And it seems I’m not alone. Source Read More Evolution News

Cosmic Chemistry | with John Lennox

One of the greatest myths regarding God and science is that science has somehow disproven God. The exact opposite is actually closer to the truth. If science has disproven anything, it has…

How to Handle Hesitation and Doubt

In a 2019 study, the Pew Research Center found that the percentage of “religious nones” (those that identify as atheist, agnostic, or “nothing in particular”) rose from 17 to 26…

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