Does the Multiverse Theory Make God Unnecessary? (Video)

Can the multiverse theory explain the appearance of fine-tuning in the universe? Do multiverse theories render God unnecessary and obsolete? Detective Jimmy Wallace (J. Warner’s son) tackles these questions as…

“A Case for Christ Based on Evidence I’ve Never Seen…” Interview at the Stream

Tom Gilson, senior editor at The Stream, recently interviewed me to discuss the impact of Jesus on human history (as I described in Person of Interest). Here is an excerpt…

Can We Trust What Mark Said About the Resurrection? (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S8E14)

The long ending of Mark’s gospel appears to be a late addition. If this is the case, should we trust anything Mark has to say about Jesus? Is the resurrection…

What Does God Value? (Video)

What do you value in life? Should we value some goals or priorities over others? If so, how should we determine what really matters? Detective Jimmy Wallace (J. Warner’s son)…

What is Unique About Christian Salvation?

In a 2010 op-ed piece for the New York Times, Tenzin Gyatso, the Dalai Lama, focused on the commonalities found in world religion, arguing that “religious and secular views converge…

Am I a Christian Simply Because I was Raised That Way? (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S8E13)

Most people say they are Christians because they were born to Christian parents and were raised in the church. Does one’s geographic location determine what they will believe about God?…

Did the Disciples Hallucinate the Resurrection? (Video)

Can the Resurrection appearances be attributed to some form of psychosis on the part of the disciples? Did they all share a psychological condition which caused them to hallucinate or…

Is Karma Compatible with Christianity?

A common feature among the Yogic religions (which include Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, among others) is the concept of karma. Karma “is the cosmic law of cause and effect that ensures…

Are Near-Death Experiences Evidence for Christianity? (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S8E12)

What are “near death” experiences and what do they tell us about the nature of reality and the world in which we live? Are they actually evidence of theism or…

How the Principle of Charity Could Change Our Christian Conversations (Video)

Have we completely lost our ability to be kind to one another in this social media age? What can we do to restore our relationships and redeem, on conversations? Detective…

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