Thank You Ravi

The image below came up on my memories feed this morning on Facebook. Just 3 years ago Ravi expressed his strong and encouraging words when Nabeel Quereshi was facing the…

A Response to “The Gnostic Gospels”— Can We Trust Princeton Professor, Elaine Pagels?

Before I became a Christian I spent a few years looking at evidence for all the major religions. One of the books I read was “The Gnostic Gospels” by Elaine Pagels.…

How Do We Respond to the Corona Virus?

The world is in panic mode as the Corona Virus has reached several countries and is creating a lot of fear. The Bible tells us we don’t need to fear…

Is It Okay for Christians to Celebrate Christmas?

I am personally a fan of celebrating Christmas and every December I am met with certain individuals who are hostile towards celebrating Christmas. I have examined Christmas traditions and what…

An Ancient but Relevant Letter to the Church

Jude 2 is a letter that Jude wrote in a time that the church needed to be reminded to oppose false teachings of the faith. Jude was the brother of…

FREE Resource on Roman Crucifixion

Dr. Martin Hengel’s book Crucifixion is available as a FREE pdf here.

10 Quotes from William Lane Craig on the Christian Faith

“It’s no longer enough to teach our children Bible stories; they need doctrine and apologetics.” “Therefore, when a person refuses to come to Christ it is never just because of…

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