Anglican head to take sabbatical for ‘spiritual renewal’ after COVID delay

The archbishop of Canterbury will take a sabbatical next year for “reflection, prayer, and spiritual renewal,” following a delay by the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More The Christian Post | RSS

Alternative Ways to Give to Truth For Life

In addition to making direct cash donations to Truth For Life, you can financially support the proclamation of the Gospel in other ways: Stock Donations You can donate long-term appreciated…

Alternative Ways to Give to Truth For Life

In addition to making direct cash donations to Truth For Life, you can financially support the proclamation of the Gospel in other ways: Stock Donations You can donate long-term appreciated…

Sermons on Sickness and Suffering

It’s commonly assumed: If you become a Christian, all your anxieties and problems will go away. As we navigate the challenges of a disease that threatens lives in our communities…

Sermons on Sickness and Suffering

It’s commonly assumed: If you become a Christian, all your anxieties and problems will go away. As we navigate the challenges of a disease that threatens lives in our communities…

Christians urge Britain to grant asylum to Pakistani girl forced to wed Muslim abductor, rapist

A U.K.-based charity has called on British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to grant asylum to a 14-year-old Christian girl who was abducted at gunpoint during the COVID-19 lockdown and forcibly…

Abandoning the Elderly in Belgium

A recent report by the Belgium affiliate of Amnesty International contained an elephant-sized irony that neither Amnesty International nor much of the media seemed to notice. Entitled “Nursing Home Blind…

How Racial Trauma Works – Jim Davis

Jim Davis and Justin Holcomb welcome Sheila Wise Rowe, author and executive director of the Rehoboth House, to discuss racial trauma and the many ways it can present itself cognitively,…

Has Cognitive Science Explained (Away) God? – Mitch Stokes

We’re often told that science is steadily removing reasons for belief in God. As atheist Jerry Coyne says, “Bit by bit, the list of phenomena that once demanded an explanatory…

Should We Anoint the Sick with Oil (James 5:14–15)? – Samuel Emadi

As a Reformed, low-church Protestant, I’m naturally suspicious of anything that smacks of religious ritualism. Prayer labyrinths? No, thank you; I’ll stick with corporate prayer in the church and the…

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