Christian, Guard Your Heart From the News! – Sean McDowell

Because of COVID-19, and our election year, people are watching the news regularly. As Christians, we need to be discerning about how it affects our hearts. Read More Sean McDowell

Minn. pastor says its OK for parents to give kids a ‘good spanking’ for discipline

A column published last Saturday on theologian John Piper’s Christian theology website, Desiring God, by a Minnesota pastor argues that a “good spanking” should be an option for parents who…

Black jogger detained for matching suspect description offered job with sheriff’s office

A black jogger and military veteran who matched the description of a recent burglary suspect and was detained by sheriff’s deputies last month in Florida has been offered a job…

Scripture in Scripture: Reading the Old Testament with the Apostles – Daniel J. Brendsel

ABSTRACT: The New Testament authors quote, allude to, and interpret the Old Testament in a great variety of ways — and sometimes in ways that seem illegitimate to modern readers.…

Hostile Enemies Made One in Christ: Ephesians 1:11–14, Part 5 – John Piper

The mystery of Christ is that former enemies — Jews and Gentiles — are now united as one in Christ and share one inheritance. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

What Is Time?

Here’s an excerpt from What Is Time?, Thomas Brewer’s contribution to the September issue of Tabletalk: What time is it?” Sometimes I’m asked that question by a complete stranger. It’s…

Jen Hatmaker says divorce was ‘completely unexpected,’ asks for prayers: ‘I am shocked’

Author Jen Hatmaker has asked for prayers after announcing she and her husband, Brandon, are divorcing — something the Christian author said was “completely unexpected” and has left her “shocked” and…

Tips for Studying the Bible

As Christians, we have a lot of questions that we don’t always know how to investigate on our own, and we’re grateful when somebody will come in and give us…

The Secret to Joy in Hard Places – David Doran Jr.

The church member had just punched me in the mouth. Blood gushed from my lip down my shirt. With my hand pressed to my mouth I mumbled, “Be as mad…

What God Taught Me on My (Unplanned) Sabbatical – Daniel Stegeman

A few months ago, the Lord gave me a gift I wasn’t expecting. After a sudden and difficult resignation from my church, I was out of pastoral ministry. For years…

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