Why Would Anyone Get a Degree in Apologetics?

I feel honored to be a very small part of the faculty at Biola University (where I serve as an Adjunct Professor in the Master’s Degree program in Christian Apologetics).…

Hymn: “There Is a Fountain” by William Cowper

There is a fountain filled with blood,Drawn from Immanuel’s veins,And sinners plunged beneath that floodLose all their guilty stains:Lose all their guilty stains,Lose all their guilty stains; And sinners plunged…

Church Planter, Are You Teachable? – Cameron Triggs

Planting a church requires great gall. In one sense, we come to God knowing only he can expand his kingdom. But we also come believing we’ve been endowed with gifts…

Good Leaders Embrace Their Limits – Paul Tripp

Once I was speaking at a men’s conference and was asked if I could choose a superpower, what it would be. Others had chosen the ability to fly or to…

Promise and Peril: The Decline of Religion in America – Collin Hansen

Before the coronavirus pandemic, American religiosity had been in steady decline. When American religiosity peaked in 1960, one in two American adults attended some religious service in a given week.…

How to Navigate the Generational Divide in Politics – Brett McCracken

The 2020 election is already a trying season for the American church. And among the dynamics at play is a growing generational divide among conservative evangelicals. I’m hearing more and…

Kimberella — Controversial Scratch Marks

A former teacher of mine was the late Adolf Seilacher, who was a leading authority on trace fossils and who for obvious reasons preferred to be called “Dolf.” Source Read…

Tour, Meyer: Some Very Hard Problems Facing Origin-of-Life Research

The problems range from the extreme improbabilities associated with protein assembly, to what precisely has gone missing in the nanosecond when a cell dies. Source Read More Evolution News

Two Police Officers Recovering After Ambush in California, Protestors Blocked Hospital Entrance Yelling ‘We Hope They Die’

Two deputies on patrol in Compton, California were ambushed and shot multiple times by an unknown assailant, which Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva labeled as a “cowardly act.” Both…

YouTube Censors Dr. Scott Atlas, Removes Video of Him Questioning Lockdowns for Contradicting WHO

YouTube has removed a video of renowned health care advisor Dr. Scott Atlas, M.D., for apparently contradicting the World Health Organization (WHO) on the efficacy of lockdowns. The video was…

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