“Reactionary” Feminism Rejects the Erasure of Women

Rather than celebrating their differences and strengths, women are increasingly being told that the only way to true equality and freedom is by rejecting who they are, especially their God-given capacity for procreation. This message is clearly reaching teenage girls, who today make up the majority of those identifying as transgender or non-binary. 

In recent years, a group of “reactionary feminists” have pushed back on the attempts to erase women. Unlike their progressive counterparts, reactionary feminists reject the transgender trend and the destruction it wreaks on women and their bodies. For them, the chemical and surgical erasure of female bodies is a means of oppression, not freedom. 

Ironically, “reactionary feminists” are doing what too many Christians are unwilling to do: defend the reality and beauty of God’s creation and the dignity men and women possess as image bearers. 

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