Stream All Messages from the 2024 National Conference

You can now freely stream all the messages from our 2024 National Conference online, in the Ligonier app, and on our YouTube channel. Watch your favorite moments again and share this Bible teaching with your friends and family.


Following the Way as Christ’s Disciples by Stephen Nichols

Tapping into Our Source of Life through Prayer by Burk Parsons

The Centrality of the Local Church in Following the Way by Sinclair Ferguson

Signs and Seals of New Life through the Sacraments by Joel Kim

Preaching That Declares the Way, the Truth, and the Life by Steven Lawson

Renewed Strength through True Worship by Derek Thomas

The Truth of the Exclusivity of Christ by Miguel Núñez

New Life through Our Union with Christ by Michael Reeves

Truth in a Truth-Distorting Culture by W. Robert Godfrey

The Glorious End of Life in Christ by Sinclair Ferguson


Questions & Answers with Ferguson, Godfrey, Nichols, and Parsons

Questions & Answers with Kim, Lawson, Núñez, Reeves, and Thomas

Questions & Answers with Ferguson, Godfrey, Lawson, Nichols, Parsons, and Thomas


Pressing Forward by Looking Back with W. Robert Godfrey

The Christian Sexual Ethic with Rosaria Butterfield and Christopher Yuan

Standing Firm in Our Culture with Godfrey, Nichols, and Parsons

Evangelism and Discipleship with Lawson, Núñez, and Parsons

Challenges Young People Face with Kim and Nichols

You can also keep these digital messages forever by purchasing the conference collection from the Ligonier store.

Additionally, don’t forget to register with the early-bird rate for our 2025 National Conference in Orlando.

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