Encouragement for Your Heavenly Pilgrimage

Have you felt the restlessness of our times?

It is hard not to see that people are restless and aimless, and the state of the world is bewildering. As we look around us, it is plain that Satan is prowling about with his lying, deceptive arts and that sinful humanity is only too eager to follow him.

We’re in a battle for hearts and minds, challenged by rampant immorality and ignorance in our society. Despite our best efforts, we find it nearly impossible to shield our families from brazen immorality on the airwaves, on television, and online. Ignorance is tolerated, even celebrated. God’s people find themselves battered by ungodly cultural winds, often confused and distracted as churches strive to prepare Christians for the storm. We earnestly pray amid all this, “Come, Lord Jesus” (Rev. 22:20).

As followers of Christ, our true citizenship is not of this world. We are sojourners and exiles, pilgrims on a journey to the better country God has prepared for us. To help you on the journey of the Christian life, we have a new teaching series from Dr. Sinclair Ferguson, Sojourners and Exiles. It’s yours when you give a gift of any amount. More on that below.

Though we always long for Christ’s return and the restoration He promises, these times of trouble cause us to yearn for it even more. Still, we don’t know when Jesus will return. But until Christ comes back, He has called us to make disciples who love Him and are ready to withstand any opposition to His kingdom.

Your role is crucial. In His grace, the Lord has chosen to use you, me, this ministry, and the rest of His church to take His Word to the lost and to train up other Christians to be faithful disciples of Jesus.

The Christian faith is Word-centric, as Dr. R.C. Sproul frequently reminded us. At the center of our confession is the incarnate Word, the Lord Jesus Christ, whom we know through the revealed Word, the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. And by God’s grace, Ligonier strives to be a Word-centric ministry, uncompromising in that commitment. We do not innovate. We aim to present the immutable truth of Scripture through broadcasting, publishing, and events. Ligonier focuses on discipleship through the sound teaching of God’s Word.

It is our aim to create the world’s most extensive library of discipleship resources true to the Scriptures and the historic Christian faith. We want to make our deep library of trusted Bible teaching accessible to as many people as possible, in as many learning and media formats as possible, and in as many languages as possible.

Ligonier’s teaching has a global reach through print media such as Tabletalk magazine, books, and the Reformation Study Bible; audio and video teaching series; digital media such as podcasts, RefNet online Christian radio, satellite TV broadcasts, and the Ligonier Connect learning platform; our numerous websites; traditional higher education at Reformation Bible College; and in-person and streaming conferences and events.

The Lord is already using these Word-centric outreaches to renew minds and transform lives—more than 100 million people were reached last year. But we seek to provide more of these teaching resources in the world’s top twenty languages so that with the Lord’s blessing, billions worldwide can also access faithful Bible teaching. In God’s providence, churches and supporting translation partners are ready for more. Our outreach vision is vast, but the extent of our reach is constrained by funding.

That’s why we sincerely appreciate your prayerful support:

First, please join us in praying that God will use Ligonier’s discipleship library to fuel a global awakening to His holiness. Without the Lord’s blessing, our collective efforts are in vain.

Second, pray that the Lord will give you opportunities to tell others about our teaching resources so they can benefit from them as well. Your testimony of how God has used a better understanding of the Bible and theology in your life might just be what a friend needs to hear today.
Third, please consider showing your support with a gift this month to help make Ligonier’s teaching available to more people in more languages and places.

One of the newest resources in our library is Sojourners and Exiles: The Message of First Peter from Dr. Sinclair Ferguson. This teaching series from one of Ligonier’s most beloved instructors offers a timely look at 1 Peter, a book so important for our spiritual growth on our pilgrimage through this restless world. To thank you for your gift of any amount this month, we’ll give you lifetime digital access to the video teaching series, plus the in-depth digital study guide. You’ll also receive the DVD edition of the series.

You can play a crucial role in raising up faithful sojourners who fix their eyes on heaven and make the most of their time on this side of glory by discipling others. Thank you.

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