Pastors Should Be Bolder than Politicians

By now you may have seen a video of Salem Media’s Charlie Kirk sitting on a stage talking about Christians frustrated that President Donald J. Trump isn’t saying or doing enough when it comes to the sanctity of life.

The Turning Point USA founder mentions a Christian who told him President Trump wasn’t as pro-life as most people think. Charlie responded by asking a provocative and fog-cutting kind of question.

“Has your pastor spoke out regularly against the slaughter of the unborn?” he asked.

“Well, no, no, my pastor doesn’t do politics,” the man replied.

“Oh, so you want Donald Trump to speak out on holy matters when the person you tithe an offering to, that you call your home church, won’t even whisper about it?”

More than four months since the presidential election and just over two since January’s “Sanctity of Life” month, fewer people may be focused on how culturally engaged their pastors are in the pulpit.

But it should still matter to each of us.

Pastors carry a heavy burden – and enjoy an awesome opportunity to help lead and guide their congregations in the dizzying and dangerous culture.

“Let’s remind each other what church is,” Kirk went on. “Church is not a place where you go to be affirmed. Church is a place where you go to be saved and corrected. It is not a place to be told about how your lifestyle is the greatest thing ever. You go there to be reminded that you need a Savior and that your life is currently in error. But people don’t like that.”

He continued,

“Is it a church, which is about correction and elevating the Divine? Or is it a place where a ‘Ted Talk’ occurs with organized parking, above average coffee, a motivational speech and good music with nice lights? A church should be unafraid to go against the culture and not conform to the world but preach the Word.”

Christians are hungry for pulpit teaching that is comprised of sound doctrine coupled with practical application. They come into a Sunday service often beaten down by the lies of the world. Pastors who can bring clarity with conviction will be serving their congregations well.

The Bible is timeless and has a lot to say about the current challenges of the world. Pastors should be likewise engaged.

It’s not political to speak out about abortion and affirm the sanctity of life. It’s biblical (Psalm 139:13-16).

It’s not political to affirm the exclusivity of one-man, one-woman marriage. It’s biblical (Genesis 2:24).

It’s not political to acknowledge there are two genders. It’s biblical (Genesis 1:27).

Ministers worried about offending or running off attendees do those in attendance no favors by skirting or softening the truth of God’s Word. It was the apostle Peter who was quoting the prophet Isaiah when he said that Jesus was “a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense” (1 Peter 2:8).

Pastors should be far bolder than politicians, unafraid of criticism. Dr. Al Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, has observed, “Those who teach and preach the Word of God are God-appointed agents to save God’s people from ignorance.”

If you’re blessed to have such a pastor, don’t forget to give thanks to God – and let them know how much you appreciate their outspoken candor and conviction.

Image credit: Internet Archive

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