Pointing to Design, Ross Douthat Makes the Case that Religious Belief Is Rational

Ross Douthat, who has written opinion columns for the New York Times since 2009, is used to writing for a skeptical readership. A conservative Catholic, he occupies a unique, or at least very unusual, spot in American letters: He is a religious man writing to a generally non-religious audience.  His new book is Believe: Why Everyone Should Be Religious, published by Zondervan, and it, too, is written largely with the agnostic or full-on atheist in mind. Religious people, though, will also benefit from the book (as I certainly did).  Douthat’s book is not intended as a defense of Christianity in particular but a nudge toward religious belief in general, and he uses several supporting pillars, composed in his calm, intelligent prose, to make the case that religious belief is reasonable.  Darwinism Read More ›


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