The Life of Peter: New Book from Derek Thomas

It isn’t hard for Christians to identify with the Apostle Peter.

As Peter sought to follow after Jesus, his life was punctuated by bold moments and momentous blunders alike. Yet in spite of Peter’s sins, he was the Apostle who confessed the Christ, to which Jesus replied, “On this rock I will build my church” (Matt. 16:16, 18). The Lord would use this vessel of clay to bring the hope of the gospel to the world.

In his new book, Dr. Derek Thomas offers an encouraging portrait of Peter from the Gospels and the book of Acts, with insights from Peter’s own writings later in life. At every stroke, our eyes are drawn beyond the disciple to his gracious Master, who fashions stumbling believers into stalwarts of faith. Order your hardcover copy today.

A Picture of the Christian Life

Peter’s story is relatable to everyone who seeks to follow Christ in faith. And this new book beautifully shows how the grace of God transforms and sanctifies His people on this lifelong journey. The Life of Peter can help you deepen your understanding of God’s Word and disciple others as they grow in their walk with Christ. Order your copy today.

Additional Study Formats Available:

Book study guide (digital)
Teaching series (DVD or digital download)
Teaching series study guide (paperback or digital)
Ligonier Connect course

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