Do Conservative-Leaning Women Have More Guts Than Like Minded Men?

Socially conservative women have been boldly, bravely and courageously speaking out.

It might even beg the question: Do conservative-leaning women have more guts than men who may otherwise believe the same things but are reluctant to speak up and invite criticism?

Earlier this week, Allie Beth Stuckey, 32 years old and a married mother of three who hosts the popular podcast, Relatable, tweeted:

Sometimes I feel like I just need to remind everyone that abortion kills an innocent human being. It’s not a political issue. No nuance. No needle to thread. Shouldn’t be up for debate. There is no “right” to kill an innocent person. It should always be illegal.

 A few days earlier she responded to the Kansas City Chiefs’ Harrison Butker flap this way:

Harrison Butker tipped over all the sacred cows – abortion, IVF/surrogacy, anti-motherhood, anti-masculinity, etc – and instead promoted the enemies of our cultural rot: fatherhood, marriage, courage, purity, sacrifice, respecting the dignity of life. That’s why people are screeching. They don’t like their idols threatened, and they have a profound disdain for goodness and truth.

 Just yesterday, Kristen Waggoner, president of Alliance Defending Freedom, tweeted the following:

When we said, ‘See you in court, @POTUS,’ over the admin’s attempts to force gender ideology into schools, we meant it.

Kristen is bravely leading her team in numerous lawsuits over unconstitutional changes to Title IX, legislation originally passed to ensure women had equal opportunity in educational activities, including sports.

Megan Basham of The Daily Wire and author of the forthcoming book, Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda, has been fearless and unapologetic when it comes to critiquing hot button issues in the culture.

“Rather than the truth of Scripture, high-profile pastors are preaching trendy social causes and reaping the spoils of the media’s adulation,” she recently warned.

Basham, a prolific social media user, tweets a photo of a man unloading a minivan and labels it as “Peak Manhood,” and then defends her appreciation for Pastor John MacArthur by observing, “The worst people on Christian Twitter are the people who, when you share how some faithful pastor’s teaching helped sanctify you, immediately respond with, ‘Oh YEAH? Well did you know he’s not perfect and once said or did an imperfect [but not disqualifying] thing??’ Yeah, I kinda assumed. Because he’s a fallen human being like the rest of us.”

Riley Gaines, the former collegiate swimmer, has stood up to the radical antagonists determined to upend women’s sports. Earlier today she responded to a picture in a post highlighting a group of New Hampshire activists supporting the inclusion of men in women’s athletics. She wrote, in part:

I will never understand why it’s predominantly women fighting for their own erasure.

Incidentally, Gaines, who is celebrating her second wedding anniversary today, also posted:

Celebrating 2 yrs of marriage today. He’s my constant through the ups and downs and I’m lucky to love him. Couldn’t recommend getting married to you enough.

Another woman who has stood up boldly in the face of withering criticism lately is Megyn Kelly. When an Oregon male ran in a women’s race during last weekend’s high school state championship, a story the Daily Citizen covered, Kelly tweeted, “His legs are longer and more muscular. What do these slow weak females expect?”

Of course, Stuckey, Waggoner, Basham, Gaines and Kelly aren’t the only conservative women speaking up – nor are all conservative men sitting down or pulling back. Our movement is blessed with individuals and organizations willing to advocate despite the slings and arrows aimed on them. But in an era when many liberals accuse conservatives of misogyny – including Super Bowl Champion Harrison Butker – it’s important to recognize the brave women who are unapologetically and unashamedly advocating for the most important things.


Images from X.

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