Newly Translated Discipleship Resources

Trusted biblical teaching is reaching Christians around the world as Ligonier’s discipleship resources are being translated into the most-spoken languages. Your vital support equips church leaders, families, and individuals with theological materials that can strengthen them for the daily spiritual battles they face. Enjoy these recent updates on the outreach your generosity enables:

New Dedicated-Language Website in Turkish

We are pleased to announce the launch of Ligonier’s Turkish website. By God’s grace, is our sixteenth dedicated-language website, providing an online library of trustworthy teaching and discipleship materials for more than 90 million Turkish-speaking people worldwide.

Resources Now Available in Albanian, Bulgarian, and Romanian

Biblical teaching is reaching the church in Eastern Europe. Dr. R.C. Sproul’s classic introduction to systematic theology, Everyone’s a Theologian, has been released in Albanian. Additionally, Dr. Sproul’s children’s book The Lightlings has been published in Bulgarian. Dr. Joel Beeke’s book Living for God’s Glory is now available in Romanian.

Three Titles Now Available in Simplified Chinese

China has one of the largest populations of any country in the world, resulting in a great need for trusted Christian teaching. Digital editions of Dr. Sproul’s commentaries on Galatians and 1–2 Peter, as well as Dr. Sinclair Ferguson’s book Lessons from the Upper Room, are available in simplified Chinese on Ligonier’s Chinese dedicated-language website.

Two Newly Dubbed Teaching Series

Dr. Derek Thomas’ teaching series on the book of Galatians, No Other Gospel, and Dr. W. Robert Godfrey’s teaching series Learning to Love the Psalms have been dubbed in Farsi and are available on Ligonier’s Farsi website. Both series will be broadcast on satellite TV into Iran, Afghanistan, and surrounding countries. Learn more about Ligonier’s Farsi outreach.

New Translations in the Crucial Questions Series

Crucial Questions booklets by Dr. Sproul offer clear answers to the most common and difficult questions about the Christian faith, equipping Christians around the world for thoughtful evangelism and discipleship. These booklets communicate core Christian truths in everyday language, and we’re delighted to share newly translated editions:

French: In partnership with Ligonier Ministries Canada, twenty-four Crucial Questions titles have recently been released in print and digital formats.

Romanian: What Are the Sacraments?, What Comes after This Life?, and How Should I Approach Art?

Russian: Can I Be Sure I’m Saved?

Spanish: What Is the Church?, What Is Repentance?, What Is the Relationship between Church and State?, Are These the Last Days?, What Is the Great Commision?, and Can I Lose My Salvation?

Urdu: Who Is Jesus?, Can I Know God’s Will?, What Is Repentance?, and Can I Lose My Salvation?

Explore & Share Our Dedicated-Language Websites

Ligonier is regularly adding translated and dubbed teaching to our websites in Arabic, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Urdu. We encourage you to share these dedicated-language websites widely so more people can benefit from these ever-expanding libraries of discipleship resources.

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