Vilenkin: A Physicist in Flight from Intelligent Design

If you are not an ideological materialist, it would make more sense just to assume that our universe is designed because of the clear evidence for fine-tuning. Source Read More Evolution…

Russian priest suffers stroke after being detained for holding Alexei Navalny memorial service

A priest in St. Petersburg has suffered a stroke after being arrested and detained for planning a memorial service for the late Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny in Russia. Read More…

Christian groups urge ‘matriarch of modern Qatar’ to use influence to help free hostages in Gaza

Christian groups have launched a campaign urging Moza bint Nasser, the mother of Qatar’s Emir, to leverage her influence for the release of hostages in Gaza. A billboard featuring bint…

This week in Christian week: Japan legalizes Christianity, Kathryn Kuhlman dies, John Henry Newman leaves Oxford

Events that occurred this week in Christian history include the death of Kathryn Kuhlman, John Henry Newman leaving Oxford, and Japan legalizing Christianity. Read More The Christian Post | RSS

I Do Not Nullify the Grace of God: Galatians 2:17–21, Part 4 – John Piper

Christ gave himself for our sins. He was punished for our sins. He paid the penalty for our sins. And, therefore, his death was not in vain. Watch Now Read…

Even Believers Need to Be Warned: How Hell Motivates Holiness – Scott Hubbard

I stood at a friend’s kitchen sink, surprised and somewhat disturbed. My friend’s wife had taped a notecard on the wall behind the sink with some spiritual reminders. That in…

Why Discipleship Must Target Apathy – Glenn Wishnew

Considering its title, the book The Great Dechurching maintains a surprisingly optimistic tone. The hopefulness of the authors, Jim Davis and Michael Graham, stems from the fact that, of the…

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