Weak Men are Wreaking Incalculable Damage on Culture

Fans of the sitcom Seinfeld may recall Cosmo Kramer “dominating the dojo” in karate class – only to later find out he was just competing against children.

“We’re all at the same skill level, Jerry!” Kramer insists.

“He’s nine-years-old!” replies Seinfeld. “You don’t need karate; you can just wring his neck!”

Once more, life imitates fictional television in the story of Nicholas Cepeda, who now goes by Melody Wiseheart. A 50-year-old Canadian man, he’s been swimming competitively against teenage girls, most recently at a December tournament. But unlike Cosmo Kramer, he’s losing – but that doesn’t seem to be stopping him.

According to press reports, the male swimmer is married to a woman, teaches at York University in Toronto – and is a member of the Orangeville Otters Swim Club, where he trains with young girls.

You’d be forgiven for thinking the adult is gaming the system, but Swim Ontario, the provincial governing body for competitive swimming, remain fully supportive of the 50-year-old competing against girls.

In a statement issued last month, the sanctioning group stressed their desire for a sport that is “safe, welcoming and inclusive for all participants.”

“Swimming Canada and Swim Ontario believe swimming is for everyone … people of all shapes, sizes, genders, beliefs and backgrounds should have the opportunity to swim to the best of their ability … with the expectation that our registrants treat each other with respect and dignity and keep our sport environment free from harassment and abuse.”

Never mind that it’s neither safe nor respectful to allow an adult male to use a locker room with young girls or expect those girls to swim against him.

Equally concerning, though, is the response a media outlet named Rebel News elicited when they reached out to the swim group and to parents to solicit their reaction to the situation.

As The Blaze reported:

None of the parents at the swim club wanted to speak with the Rebel News journalists, two employees treated them with open hostility, and the police ultimately forced them off the property.

David Menzies of Rebel News attempted several times to report Wiseheart to the police for possibly violating statues 173.1 and 173.2 of the Criminal Code of Canada, which prohibit “an indecent act in a public place … with intent to insult or offend any person” and “exposing … genital organs to a person under the age of 16.” So far, his pleas seem to have fallen on deaf ears.

Tragically, what we’re encountering here are either brainwashed or fearful people who are afraid to speak up and speak out. That’s because doing so often invites criticism, grief and abuse. The bullies are no longer in bars or billiards rooms – they’re government bureaucrats and radical activists who browbeat social conservatives on social media.

Put another way, our culture today is beset by vacuous and conviction-less individuals, especially weak men who have abdicated their responsibilities to defend and protect women and children.

No strong or sane father should tolerate his daughter having to cross paths with a man in a girl’s locker room.

No reputable and respectable guy should be silenced by those determined to indoctrinate and capture the imaginations of our children.

So, why are so many men failing to live up to their duty?

Writing in his classic The Abolition of Man C.S. Lewis warned about the consequences of a culture where truth is compromised. He urged against apathy and cynicism, especially people who think such manly virtue is mere sentimental nonsense. If we failed to embrace masculine boldness, bravery, and courage, Lewis predicted bad things would come gradually and then all at once, and that’s exactly what’s happened:

“We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise,” Lewis wrote. “We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.”

Christian men represent one of the best hopes in a decaying and fraying culture. God’s truth is unassailable, and we can’t be afraid to lead the charge. Others may not be willing to speak up and act – but we must, and it’s critical we do so unapologetically and without delay.


Image from Shutterstock.

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