Opposing Children’s Transgender Medical Interventions Isn’t ‘Anti-Trans’ — It’s Pro-Child Wellbeing

An appellate judge in Montana blocked the state’s law preventing minors from undergoing transgender medical interventions, marking the latest salvo in a national battle over whether children should be allowed…

Visitor’s Guide: At Nation’s Natural History Museum, Misinformation on Human Origins, and More

Mammalian fossil exhibits at the Smithsonian claim that humans and all mammals descended from the “first mammal,” perhaps Morganucodon. Source Read More Evolution News

Tucker Carlson: ‘Be Brave. The Person Who is Brave, Wins.’

Tucker Carlson recently gave the keynote address at the Intercollegiate Studies Institute’s 70th Anniversary Gala. He spoke contemplatively about the importance of bravery in facing our modern cultural moment. He…

Missouri pastor killed in chemical truck crash 3 months after church installation

Less than four months after he was officially installed as the settled pastor of St. Peter’s United Church of Christ in New Haven, Missouri, the Rev. Dan Smith was among…

Never Give Up Hope: Kat Von D Baptized After Turning from Witchcraft and the Occult

Culture watchers are likely familiar with Katherine von Drachenberg, better known as “Kat Von D,” a reality television star whose work as a tattoo artist, among other professional pursuits, has…

Israeli police arrest Orthodox Jews suspected of spitting on Christian pilgrims in Jerusalem

Police in Israel arrested five Orthodox Jews Wednesday for allegedly spitting at Christian pilgrims in the Old City of Jerusalem, the Times of Israel reported. Read More The Christian Post…

NYC first city in US to offer ‘on-demand’ telehealth abortion services

New York City’s health system has become the first in the nation to offer residents “on-demand” access to abortion through a telehealth initiative that delivers abortion pills to women’s doors…

Air Force reservist sues over punishment for ‘political’ remarks during off-duty speech

A member of the U.S. Armed Forces is taking legal action against the Department of Defense and other officials after he was disciplined for remarks he made while in uniform…

SBC’s North American Mission Board receives record $70.2 million offering

The Southern Baptist Convention’s missions group focused on North America has received a $70.2 million offering this year, making it the largest single-year offering in its history. Read More The…

Plant Evolution: All Gaps and Miracles

A major study looks for evolution, but finds huge disparities, stasis, gaps, periodic explosions, and miracles of emergence held together with imagination. Source Read More Evolution News

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