California county rescinds ‘American Christian Heritage Month’ after pressure from ACLU

County officials in Northern California have rescinded a proclamation intended to “recognize the impact of religious beliefs on America’s history” after criticism from local Jewish residents and church-state separation groups.…

How to Actually Save the World | Andrew Woodard – Administrator

There’s rioting in the streets, illegals pouring across our border, mutilation of our children, the murder of the unborn, corruption in our politics and elections, and globalist leaders enacting perverse…

11 Christians massacred by Islamic State terrorists in Mozambique: report

Islamic State-aligned extremists separated and massacred at least 11 Christians in northern Mozambique this month, exacerbating violence that has already displaced around 1 million people in the southern African country…

Science, Scripture, and the Image of God

“The proposition that the universe had an Intelligent Designer is the most fundamental of all scientific theories.” Source Read More Evolution News

Pro-life group warns federal 15-week abortion ban may pressure states to ‘water down’ restrictions

A pro-life advocacy organization advises the pro-life movement and presidential candidates not to push for a federal 15-week abortion ban because it could pressure states to “water down” existing pro-life…

Indonesian Christians face continued persecution despite official recognition of Christianity

From teasing, alienation, threats, severed relationships and physical attacks, to employing outside forces to perform “exorcisms” so they can return to Islam, being a Christian in Indonesia can lead to…

Two-thirds of Evangelicals in two-adult households do their giving as a couple: study

Two-thirds of Evangelicals living in two-adult households donate to charity as a couple, even as individual spouses in many relationships have unequal influence over where the money goes, a new…

His Majesty Lifts the Lowly: The Attractive Force of God’s Mercy – David Mathis

Mention something “majestic” in nature, and many of us would think of mountains. We might call to mind some great range of mountains, or a towering waterfall, or an expansive…

Calvin’s Take on Venerating Relics – Leonardo De Chirico

Today, on September 23, 2023, a relic of the heart of Saint Pio (Padre Pio) will be exposed for veneration in San Giovanni Rotondo. This is the town in southern…

New ‘Gospel’ Manuscript Discovered? (What It Is and Why It Matters.) – Michael J. Kruger

In 1896, near the ruins of an ancient Egyptian city called Oxyrhynchus, British scholars Bernard P. Grenfell and Arthur S. Hunt made a remarkable discovery. They’d traveled to the ancient…

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