Meyer: “God and Science, or No God and No Science”

Back in 2021, Stephen Meyer talked with UC San Diego cosmologist and “devout agnostic” Brian Keating. Source Read More Evolution News

Violence in India’s Manipur state has reached ‘a breaking point,’ UN experts warn

U.N. experts have appealed to India’s government over the ongoing violence in Manipur state, which has left 187 dead, 70,000 displaced and hundreds of churches destroyed amid ethnic and religious…

This week in Christian history: Christian army relieves Vienna, pioneering Pentecostal preacher dies

Memorable events that occurred this week in Christian history include the Battle of Vienna, a papal decree attacking the Anglican Church, and the death of a pioneering Pentecostal preacher.  …

Travel: This fall, visit these 3 overlooked places

As summer ends and fall begins, this column looks at three destinations to visit. Read More The Christian Post | RSS

Child Evangelism Fellowship seeks to reach 100M children with the Gospel, urges Christians to mobilize

Moises Esteves, executive vice president of Child Evangelism Fellowship, says the organization’s mission is to reach 100 million children with the Gospel and urges Christians to mobilize as the world…

As Texas family waits for donor match, father of 13-year-old battling cancer says ‘our faith has sustained us’

After both his wife and son were diagnosed with different forms of cancer over the last two years, Paul Petersen said he doesn’t shy away from using humor in the…

The Severe Kindness of Jesus: Hearing Mercy in His Hard Words – Jon Bloom

Jesus has a popular reputation with many as a gentle, lowly teacher and healer who calls the sick, the shamed, and the sinners to come to him and receive his…

Your Life Is Hidden with Christ in God: Colossians 3:1–4, Part 6 – John Piper

One day we will all shine like the sun. What will our now-hidden lives look like on that day? Watch Now Read More Desiring God

The Spell That Opened Heaven: Funeral Message for Daniel Fuller (1925–2023) – John Piper

Romans 8:32 is perhaps the greatest verse in the Bible. No other text quite describes how far God has gone for our salvation and will go for our joy. Watch…

One Thing My Parents Did Right: Generous Hospitality – Emily Ellis

When I was growing up, my home was a constant hub of activity. My parents hosted so many people and events throughout my childhood that it was an unusual occasion…

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