The Next Generation: Forming Kids for Lifelong Faith – Jim Davis, Michael Aitcheson, David Robbins, Meg Robbins

In this episode of As in Heaven, Jim Davis and Michael Graham are joined by David and Meg Robbins to explore the effect of gospel-centered parenting in the dechurching movement. Parents play a valuable role in reducing the probability of dechurching in their children’s future, and this episode offers several practical tips to help parents foster healthier connections with their children and encourage a love for the church. 

Episode time stamps:

Introduction David and Meg Robbins (0:00)
How to ask the first question (8:12)
Getting to the heart of our kids (13:57)
Creating a community of believers for our kids (20:56)
Navigating church casualties as a family (26:46)
The role of technology (33:46)
The importance of discipleship (47:25)
How pastors can grow in this area (50:19)
Advice to parents who are struggling (1:01:50)

Recommended resources: 

Axis: Connecting Teens, Parents, and Jesus in a Disconnected World (website)

Family Life Today (podcast)

“Sexual Discipleship” with Juli Slattery (e-course for parents)

The Center for Faith, Sexuality, and Gender (website)

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