Chaplain investigated by NHS for answering patient’s question awarded $12K

Catholic chaplain the Rev. Dr. Patrick Pullicino has been awarded $12,000 in compensation by a London National Health Service Trust after being removed from his role for discussing the Church’s…

Redeeming Discipline: How Grace Reforms Our Effort – Scott Hubbard

Say you have a friend whose approach to the Christian life seems somewhat extreme. Too strict. Overly disciplined. You heard him say something the other day about beating his own…

6 inspirational songs for Palm Sunday

In many churches, the Sunday before Easter serves as a celebration of Jesus’ triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem, in which the Bible records that crowds waved palm branches…

Wisdom’s Trinitarian Shape – Brandon D. Smith

Michel de Nostredame—known popularly as Nostradamus—was an astrologer and physician in the 16th century. He’s best known for his prolific publications of prophecies, leading some to use his name as…

Hillsdale cuts ties with charter school after parents liken Michelangelo’s ‘David’ to porn

A renowned private Christian college in Michigan has severed its ties with a Florida charter school after the principal was forced to resign when parents complained that students were exposed…

Michael Behe on Why Lenski’s Experiments Show Devolution, Not Evolution

Biochemist Michael Behe reviews the well-known Long Term Evolution Experiment at Michigan State. Source Read More Evolution News

What is Palm Sunday? 5 interesting facts

Palm Sunday celebrates the significance of Jesus’ triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem before His crucifixion and resurrection. Read More The Christian Post | RSS

ISIS supporter convicted of war crimes, posting photos on Facebook of severed heads impaled on spikes

A Swedish court has convicted a 35-year-old woman, Fatosh Ibrahim, of war crimes for posting photos on Facebook of herself posing with severed heads in Raqqa, Syria — a known…

Road Trip Debate: James White/Jeff Durbin vs Deen Chatterjee/Jared Anderson – Atheist vs Christian: Do Ethics Depend on God?” Social & Behavioral Sciences Auditorium, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 4/1/23

The post Road Trip Debate: James White/Jeff Durbin vs Deen Chatterjee/Jared Anderson – Atheist vs Christian: Do Ethics Depend on God?” Social & Behavioral Sciences Auditorium, University of Utah, Salt…

Road Trip: “Reasoning with the World – Acts 24:24-27”, Apologia Church, South Jordon, Utah, 4/1/23

The moral and ethical collapse of the West is happening right before our eyes, and accelerating quickly. Only yesterday the President of the United States issued an official proclamation for…

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