62 Years Since Andy Griffith & 10 Quotes from the Classic Show That Still Apply Today

Monday October 3rd marks 62 years since the debut of “The Andy Griffith Show” – the popular family program set in Mayberry – a fictional small town modeled loosely on…

Darwinian Racism, Past and Present

John West discusses his experience visiting the Museum of Criminal Anthropology in Turin, Italy, and Cesare Lombroso’s racist ideas about evolution. Source Read More Evolution News

March for Life Adds State Marches to Its Schedule – Ohio’s Is This Wednesday

When the U.S. Supreme Court invented a spurious constitutional “right to abortion” in its Roe v. Wade decision in January 1973, the court invalidated a multitude of state laws and…

New Nobel Laureate, Svante Pääbo, on the “Politics” of Paleontology and Humans Origins

These are welcome and candid observations, refuting notions that human origins is a fully objective area of research. Source Read More Evolution News

The Simple Invention that Helped Point People to the One True Light

The late Edgar “Ed” Prince was what you would call a serial inventor – and one with very humble beginnings. As a student at the University of Michigan in Ann…

7-year-old boy shot on way to church in Chicago, mother wants shooter in ‘jail for life’

The mother of a 7-year-old boy who was hospitalized after he was shot on his way to church in Chicago on Sunday morning has called for her son’s attacker to…

7-year-old boy shot on way to church in Chicago, mother wants shooter in ‘jail for life’

The mother of a 7-year-old boy who was hospitalized after he was shot on his way to church in Chicago on Sunday morning has called for her son’s attacker to…

7-year-old boy shot on way to church in Chicago, mother wants shooter in ‘jail for life’

The mother of a 7-year-old boy who was hospitalized after he was shot on his way to church in Chicago on Sunday morning has called for her son’s attacker to…

7-year-old boy shot on way to church in Chicago, mother wants shooter in ‘jail for life’

The mother of a 7-year-old boy who was hospitalized after he was shot on his way to church in Chicago on Sunday morning has called for her son’s attacker to…

7-year-old boy shot on way to church in Chicago, mother wants shooter in ‘jail for life’

The mother of a 7-year-old boy who was hospitalized after he was shot on his way to church in Chicago on Sunday morning has called for her son’s attacker to…

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