Christian Colleges and LGBTQ+ Romance Accommodations

As pressure continues to mount on institutions to accommodate the sexual revolution, it’s no longer possible to avoid the issues or craft a “third way.” Yet, colleges keep trying.  

Recently, Calvin University spun off a department to accommodate a lesbian staffer who wished to marry her same-sex partner, and the assistant professor who presided over the ceremony. The staffer quit after Calvin asked her to keep her “marriage” quiet. 

Writing at WORLD Opinions, Bart Gingerich points out that attempts by Christian colleges to thread this moral needle makes nobody happy and everyone upset, including donors and board members committed to Christian truth, and the LGBTQ students and staff committed to full affirmation. 

Over the last few years, other colleges have attempted similar flip-flops, for example, deciding to allow LGBTQ “romance” among students but not sex, then reversing the decision, then reversing the reversal…none of the attempts have gone well.  

It’s time for Christian institutions that want to remain meaningfully Christian to make decisions, and when they do, we should remember what Jesus said about serving two masters. 

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