Enjoy the Privileges of Local Church Participation

In his brand-new book Love Your Church: 8 Great Things about Being a Church Member, pastor Tony Merida explains the biblical model of the church that Jesus established. The blessing of community, he writes, requires coming together, not distancing ourselves from our spiritual brothers and sisters. Merida explains that it’s a great privilege to belong to God’s church and family—and just like you’ll find in any family, the privileges come with responsibilities.







His purpose in writing is straightforward: “I want people to love Jesus and his church—and to know how to love their church.” With that goal in view, he examines eight responsibilities of church members and shows how they are actually privileges that we can be excited about. Reading the book will energize your participation in your local church and help you appreciate the fact that you can be involved in the community where Jesus Himself lives!

Merida points out that we’re not meant to be mere consumers of the church’s ministry; we’re called to contribute. That means giving our time, talent, and treasure for the health and growth of the church. The book provides three motivations from Scripture intended to refuel our desire to serve. Find out why church isn’t just a building or an event we attend. In fact, discover why it can be spiritually dangerous not to assemble regularly with God’s people to sing, pray, learn together, and encourage one another.

Alistair Begg had this to say about Love Your Church: “This book reminds me why it was that, long before I became a pastor, I was thrilled to be a part of a local church. I commend it enthusiastically and hope that each member of my church will read it, mark it, inwardly digest it, and out the lessons learned.”

Each chapter of Love Your Church includes action steps that offer suggestions to help you engage more fully with your local church family. At the end of the book, there’s a discussion guide with questions from each chapter.

Recapture the New Testament vision of Christ’s church, and learn to love your church as Jesus taught the early church to do. Request your copy of Love Your Church today.

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