Let’s Talk: The Importance of Boundaries – Jackie Hill Perry

Most people have trouble saying “no,” and Christians may have an even tougher time because we worry we are being selfish. But because we are finite beings, we have to place limits on our time and relationships. Even Jesus, who was God incarnate, had boundaries; he walked away from the crowds that were thronging to him to be healed in order to spend time with his Father (see Luke 5:15–16).

On this episode of Let’s Talk, Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes, and Melissa Kruger talk about boundaries. According to Jasmine, “Boundaries are what enable us to serve God to the utmost of our ability by prioritizing the mission that he’s given us on this earth.” We shouldn’t make boundaries out of laziness or the desire to avoid what is difficult. Jackie says, “I need to interrogate if I’m setting up a boundary because it’s the wise thing to do or if I’m using it as an excuse to preserve my own comforts.”

A key piece of determining where to set God-honoring boundaries is to remember that we are ultimately called to serve and glorify God, not people. Of course, we should serve people, but that doesn’t mean we should always do what they want us to, especially if it conflicts with the priorities God has placed on our life.  

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