Need a Fall Women’s Bible Study? Try One of These. – Megan Hill

It’s the time of year when women’s ministry teams select Bible-study curriculum for the coming year.

Choosing a study that is biblically rich, theologically sound, and works for a real-life group of women can be a challenge. To help narrow down the options, we asked 20 women’s ministry leaders for their recommendations for both Bible and book studies. Their recommendations certainly don’t highlight all the good Christian books available, but the format and content of these resources have worked well in their women’s small groups.

Maybe one of them will work for yours.

Recently Published Bible Studies

(alphabetical by author)

Hope A. Blanton and Christine B. Gordon

Galatians: At His Feet Studies
Homework: Less than 1 hour per week
Video: No

Lydia Brownback

Luke: Good News of Great Joy
Homework: 2–3 hours per week
Video: No

Courtney Doctor and Melissa Kruger

Remember Your Joy: A Bible Study of Salvation Stories in the Old Testament
Homework: 2–3 hours per week
Video: Videos will be available after The Gospel Coalition’s 2022 Women’s Conference. (Better yet, join us in person!)

Christine Hoover

Seek First the Kingdom: God’s Invitation to Life and Joy in the Book of Matthew
Homework: 1–2 hours per week
Video: No

Sarah Ivill

Isaiah: The Holy One of Israel
Homework: 4–5 hours per week
Video: No

Trillia J. Newbell

A Great Cloud of Witnesses: A Study of Those Who Lived By Faith
Homework: 1–2 hours per week
Video: No

Ruth Chou Simons

Truthfilled: The Practice of Preaching to Yourself Through Every Season
Homework: 1–3 hours per week
Video: Yes

Susan Tyner

What’s She Doing Here? The Messy Women in Jesus’s Genealogy
Homework: Less than 1 hour per week
Video: No

Jen Wilkin

God of Deliverance: A Study of Exodus 1–18
Homework: 1–2 hours per week
Video: Yes

Bible Studies

(alphabetical by author)

Hope A. Blanton and Christine B. Gordon

Psalms, Philippians, Romans, and so on
Homework: Less than 1 hour per week
Video: No

Dee Brestin

A Woman of Healthy Relationships, A Woman of Contentment (Ecclesiastes), The Jesus Who Surprises (Bible overview), and so on
Homework: 2–3 hours per week
Video: No

Courtney Doctor

From Garden to Glory (Bible overview)
Homework: 1–2 hours per week
Video: Yes

Keri Folmar

Son of God (Mark), Grace (Ephesians), Joy! (Philippians), and so on
Homework: 2–4 hours per week
Video: No

Greg Gilbert

Homework: 1–2 hours per week
Video: No

Nancy Guthrie

The Promised One (Genesis), The Wisdom of God (Psalms & wisdom books), Hoping for Something Better (Hebrews), and so on
Homework: 2–4 hours per week
Video: Yes

Cynthia Heald

Becoming a Woman of Grace, Loving Your Husband, Becoming a Woman of Simplicity, and so on
Homework: less than 1 hour per week
Video: No

Sarah Ivill

Ezra and Nehemiah, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, and Jude, Revelation, and so on
Homework: 4–5 hours per week
Video: No

Melissa B. Kruger

In All Things (Philippians)
Homework: 2–4 hours per week
Video: No

Kathleen B. Neilson

Joshua, Proverbs, Colossians and Philippians
Homework: 2–4 hours per week
Video: No

Trillia Newbell

If God Is for Us (Romans)
Homework: 1–2 hours per week
Video: No

George Robertson with Mary Beth McGreevy

Homework: 1–2 hours per week
Video: No

John Stott

Beatitudes, The Sermon on the Mount, Acts
Homework: less than 1 hour per week
Video: No

Jen Wilkin

God of Creation (Genesis 1–11), The Sermon on the Mount, 1 Peter, and so on
Homework: 1–2 hours per week
Video: Yes

Big Dream Ministries (multi-authored)

The Pentateuch, The Poetical Books, The Post-Exilic Books, and so on
Homework: 3–5 hours per week
Video: Yes

Book Studies

(books with an * do not have discussion questions or an available study guide)

Hannah Anderson, Humble Roots: How Humility Grows and Nourishes Your Soul

Lydia Brownback, A Woman’s Wisdom: How the Book of Proverbs Speaks to Everything

Keri Folmar, The Good Portion: Scripture

Nancy Guthrie, Even Better than Eden: Nine Ways the Bible’s Story Changes Everything about Your Story

Megan Hill, Praying Together: The Priority and Privilege of Prayer in Our Homes, Communities, and Churches

Abby Hutto, God for Us: Discovering the Heart of the Father through the Life of the Son

Betsy Childs Howard, Seasons of Waiting: Walking by Faith when Dreams Are Delayed

Melissa B. Kruger, The Envy of Eve: Finding Contentment in a Covetous World

Melissa B. Kruger (ed.), Identity Theft: Reclaiming the Truth of Our Identity in Christ

Tim Lane and Paul David Tripp, Relationships: A Mess Worth Making

Rondi Lauterbach, Hungry: Learning to Feed Your Soul with Christ

Carolyn McCully with Nora Shank, The Measure of Success: Uncovering the Biblical Perspective on Women, Work, and the Home*

Paul E. Miller, A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World*

Catherine Parks, Real: The Surprising Secret to Deeper Relationships

John Piper and Justin Taylor (eds.), Suffering and the Sovereignty of God

Donald S. Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life*

Jen Wilkin, None Like Him: 10 Ways God Is Different from Us (and Why That’s a Good Thing)

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Lies Women Believe: And the Truth that Sets Them Free

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