Are We Taking Satan Seriously?

Our culture is quick to dismiss Satan as either a fictional character or nothing more than a conceptual representation of evil. The Bible, however, describes him as a formidable enemy who seeks to destroy us! Are we taking his threat seriously?

In the book Our Ancient Foe: Satan’s History, Activity, and Ultimate Demise, you’ll learn about the devil’s true nature as depicted throughout Scripture. Several contributing authors, all biblical scholars including Sinclair Ferguson, answer frequently asked questions such as:

Who is the devil?
How did he become our sworn enemy?
What are his methods?
What are his intentions?
How do we stand against him?
What does his future hold?

Satan is real, the enemy of our souls. If we underestimate him, we can easily be caught off guard, deceived, and led astray. On the other hand, if we overestimate his power, we diminish our security in Christ’s victory over evil. As you read Our Ancient Foe, you’ll familiarize yourself with Satan’s disguises and subtle schemes so that you’ll be able to recognize the enemy and realize when you’re under attack. You’ll also learn how to stand strong in the Lord’s power and armor as you prepare for spiritual warfare.

The Bible has a lot to say about Satan’s ongoing work. Each chapter of Our Ancient Foe addresses a different aspect of the devil and our battle against evil. It’s an eye-opening and practical book that sheds light on both this cunning enemy and our sovereign Savior.

You’ll be encouraged by the final chapters of Our Ancient Foe, which assure us that the devil is fatally wounded, and Jesus is the victor. Discover how Christ prays for us and protects us moment by moment. As one writer puts it:

“Even Satan’s attempts to destroy us will be used to help us along in our spiritual maturation. This is our comfort: that Christ out-desires, out-demands, and out-prays Satan.”

Don’t be blindsided by the cunning schemes of the Evil One. Request your copy of Our Ancient Foe: Satan’s History, Activity, and Ultimate Demise.


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