Resurrection and Justification

How is the resurrection of Christ linked to the idea of justification in the New Testament? To answer this question, we must first explore the use and meaning of the…

Sermons about Christ’s Death

Why did Christ die and what does his death mean for us today? Alistair Begg looks at the death of Christ in the sermons below and reminds us that by dying on…

Should I Forgive Those Who Are Unrepentant? – Tim Challies

In this episode of TGC Q&A, Tim Challies and Tony Merida discuss the question, “Should I forgive those who are unrepentant?” They address: Defining forgiveness (:00) Becoming a peacemaker (1:21)…

Why Is Church Membership in America on the Decline? – Joe Carter

The Story: A new survey finds that U.S. church membership has fallen below a majority for first time in nearly a century. The Background: For the first time in 80…

Does Our Past Hold the Key to Renewal? – Chris Colquitt

What comes down must’ve once gone up—and perhaps it can again. Such is the animating logic of Robert Putnam’s optimistic new book, The Upswing: How America Came Together a Century…

American Culture Is Broken. Is Theonomy the Answer? – Andrew T. Walker

Have you noticed this vision of Christianity in the public square that seems muscular, confident, even brashly triumphalist? It is tired of Christianity’s never-ending losses in the culture war. It…

Is the Resurrection Story Borrowed from Pagan Myths?

Next week, Christians worldwide will celebrate, like the entire cloud of witnesses has before them, the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The resurrection is, of course, the central…

God Himself Will Provide the Lamb

Before Abraham could do the unthinkable, the Lord provided the sacrifice in place of Abraham’s son. In this classic clip, R.C. Sproul dramatically retells the story of Abraham and Isaac…

Meyer, Keating: Why Was the Object of Creation So Long in Coming? And Other Good Questions

I listened in the car on my way to and from a funeral. Obviously, the end of life, like its beginning, is an occasion for pondering ultimate questions. Source Read…

Pope Francis and Mary as Co-Redemptrix, Kyle James Howard Woke-Breaks Marriage, Jesus Wasn’t a Puppet

I started to get into Pope Francis’ comments on Mary as co-redemptrix with Christ when I discovered that the Keynote presentation I had cued up included a picture of me…

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