How Does Literature Deepen Our Understanding of Scripture? – Karen Swallow Prior

In this episode of TGC Q&A, Karen Swallow Prior and Jen Pollock Michel discuss the question, “How does literature deepen our understanding of Scripture?” They address: Reading vs. comprehension (:28)…

Economics for Church Leaders: How Minimum-Wage Laws Affect the Poor – Joe Carter

In 2016, the Democratic Party adopted a call to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour as part of the party platform. Now, President Biden is including that proposal…

The Book to Give Your Pastor’s Wife – Christine Hoover

I recently surveyed hundreds of women who, like me, navigate the joys, complexities, and difficulties that come with being married to a pastor. I posed a question: “If you could…

Hagar, the Single Mom – Anna Meade Harris

About a month after my husband died, I took a walk with another single mom who’d lost her husband two years earlier. No sooner had we hit the path than…

Called in Holiness

Called in Holiness

The Void No Robot Can Fill

In 2010, a company called Hanson Robotics spent more than a hundred hours interviewing a woman named Bina. They collected memories of her childhood, noted her emotional reactions and mannerisms,…

Dallas Conference and COVID’s Silver Lining

Just because it says DALLAS Conference in the title, don’t think this great event is limited in any way by geography. Source Read More Evolution News

House Impeachment Managers and Trump’s Lawyers Make Their Cases in Writing

The Senate impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump is scheduled to begin next week. Today, both sides filed legal briefs with the Senate outlining how the case will be…

Responding to JD Greear and Others, Tisby & Vischer, the Big Picture

Went a long time today (1:45) and covered a lot of ground. Started off responding to JD Greear’s joining of the “don’t point out the worldview of the new regime,…

Fauci Backtracks, Says ‘There’s No Data’ to Support Wearing Two Masks

Doctor Anthony Fauci is backtracking once again after he said last week that wearing two masks “likely does” offer more protection against COVID-19 than just wearing one. Speaking on a…

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