A recently published study on alcoholic consumption found that even moderate drinkers will experience a higher rate of mortality and hospital stays than those who drink less or abstain. Read…
Year: 2020
An Urgent Request.
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As travel returns, hotels use coronavirus excuse to cut costs
Americans are resuming travel just as summer officially begins. Of the hotels open, the post-coronavirus guest experience varies greatly. Read More The Christian Post | RSS
MEMRA Language Courses: Module 2 Registration Now Open
The second module for language courses at my MEMRA website is now open for registration. The next module opening will be in November-December. Registration for this second 2020 module will…
Life's Inescapable Questions, Part 2
What kind of questions do you think a Christian Apologist gets during Q&A sessions? The questions are vast, and often tough. This week on Let My People Think, Ravi Zacharias…
Unseen Realm Review in Christianity Today
Just a quick note — a review of my best-selling book, The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible, appeared today on the Christianity Today website. It’s by…
Greg’s Top Ten Kindle Deals in Christian Apologetics: Ten Titles from $0.99 to $2.99!
Kindle Deals in Christian Apologetics: Ten Titles from $0.99 to $2.99! Mouseover thumbnail for price; click through to order. Scroll down for full text listing. Please note that prices are…
Defending God as the Maximally Great and Perfect Being
Defending God as the Maximally Great and Perfect Being by Travis Dickinson In my last post, I argued that God as the bearded guy in the sky should be…
Rejecting God as the Bearded Guy in the Sky
Rejecting God as the Bearded Guy in the Sky by Travis Dickinson The bearded guy in the sky Sometimes people change their minds and come, for a variety of…
Dr. Corey Miller: Our World in Turmoil!
Click on the video for a timely message of truth from our President, Dr. Corey Miller, and help us change the culture and NOT be shaped by the culture. Help…