A Biblical Response to Social Justice: A Conversation with Thaddeus Williams

What is a Christian response to injustice? In this video, I interview professor T. Williams about his upcoming book: Confronting Injustice Without Compromise. What is a Christian response to injustice?…

Perhaps the Best Thing You Can Do for Young Christian Believers (Video)

J. Warner Wallace provides an important insight as part of the Summit Worldview Ministries video series. Why are immersive experiences like the Summit Worldview Conferences so important to the development…

Talking Demons on Point of View with Kerby Anderson

I was recently interviewed by Kerby Anderson on Point of View. I was glad to be Kerby’s guest, as it reminded me of the good material he’s produced via Probe…

Podcast: Forgiving My Father, Forgiving Myself (with Ruth Graham)

How do we experience God’s forgiveness in our own lives? How does unforgiveness sabotage our relationships with others? In this powerful and memorable interview, Ruth Graham shares some of the…

Live From Flagstaff: Defending Allie Stuckey’s Common Sense and More

Single hour program from a local church in Flagstaff, Arizona mainly looking at the phenomenon of how churches, seminaries, etc., move left over time, and why, prompted by the push-back…

Be Grateful for Those Who Influenced You (Even Though They Are Flawed)

Sean shares the importance of showing both honor and grace to those who come before us. And let’s hope later generations do the same for us. Sean shares the importance…

Parents: Don’t Train Your Kids On Your Own

I became a Christian when my first two children were very young. They have no memory of me prior to my conversion. But all four of my kids were raised…

Simple Suggestions to Challenge Young Christians Toward Spiritual Maturity (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S6E04)

How can we help Gen Z believers to grow in their knowledge and spiritual maturity? What can parents, pastors and Christian educators do to raise up the next generation of…

An Open Letter to My Christian Brothers and Sisters in Law Enforcement

  An Open Letter to My Christian Brothers and Sisters in Law Enforcement by Jimmy Wallace It has been a sad time for law enforcement. Recent events have turned the…

An Intro to Arguments for God’s Existence

  An Intro to Arguments for God’s Existence by J. Brian Huffling Does God exist? This has been one of the most asked questions in history with the most profound…

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