$5 Friday (And More): William Carey, Baptism, & the Psalms

It’s time for our weekly $5 Friday sale. This week’s resources include such topics as William Carey, baptism, the Psalms, reformed theology, John Calvin, parenting, and more. Plus, several bonus…

Growing Opportunities for Trustworthy Teaching around the World

In the Lord’s good providence, more people than ever are looking to Ligonier Ministries for trusted teaching from God’s Word. We strive to be there for growing Christians in these…

We Preach in the Presence of God: The Solemn Charge to Every Pastor – John Piper

The message of the preacher, the herald, is not merely a body of facts to be understood. It is a constellation of glories to be treasured. It is, at times,…

When God Withholds Sleep: How to Handle Restless Nights – Stacy Reaoch

2:40am. The red numbers glare at me through the darkness of the room, taunting me to try to get back to sleep. As I toss and turn, trying to get…

Peace as a Fruit of the Spirit

Here’s an excerpt from Peace as a Fruit of the Spirit, Joel E. Smit’s contribution to the July issue of Tabletalk: As the pastor of my local congregation, I raise…

Alistair Begg’s Sunday Livestream Is Now Available in the App

EXCITING APP UPDATE You can now watch the Sunday worship livestream featuring Alistair Begg in the Truth For Life mobile app. This feature is available when you update the app…

In Adam, Sin Permeates Our Whole Being

To what extent has the poison of sin contaminated mankind? From our online event Made in the Image of God, Steven Lawson reveals the comprehensive effects of Adam’s sin on…

If God Approves, Let Men Condemn: Lessons from Spurgeon on Controversy – Greg Morse

It may appear, at first glance, to be an odd text to hang in your bedroom: Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say…

How Does God Become Totally for Me? – John Piper

God won’t settle for anything less than perfection from us. Either we depend on Christ’s perfection in our place, or we keep the entire law. Listen Now Read More Desiring…

Pursue Integrity Relentlessly

A small item I read in the news twenty years ago has stuck in my mind ever since. The Rockdale County High School Bulldogs basketball team of Conyers, Georgia, won their…

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