$5 Friday (And More): Assurance, Moses, & Predestination

It’s time for our weekly $5 Friday sale. This week’s resources include such topics as assurance, Moses, predestination, reformed theology, salvation, John Calvin, and more. Plus, several bonus resources are…

Special Father’s Day Sale

This Father’s Day, you can save on a gift for Dad that will help equip him for faithful family discipleship. For a limited time, get up to 60% off more…

When Did You Last See Grace? – Marshall Segal

When was the last time you saw the grace of God? Did you know that we can see grace — that the unmerited favor of God sometimes breaks into our…

Anti-Porn Is Not Enough – Steven Lee

I grew up in what some might call “purity culture.” One year, my youth group participated in a “True Love Waits” rally, where we paraded our purity cards, glued to…

People like Esther Need Your Support Today

You are involved in vital outreach through Ligonier Ministries. I wish I could share all the testimonies that we receive daily about the impact that your support makes possible. Be…

Holy Power for Imperfect Preachers – Ray Ortlund

Although we pastors revere the preaching of the gospel, every one of us falls short. Our performance is uneven. Our motives are mixed. Our theology isn’t perfect. Nothing about us…

To Be Loved Infinitely – John Piper

The essence of God’s love is not that he makes much of us, but that he frees us, at great cost to himself, to enjoy making much of him forever.…

How Sinful Is Man?

Imagine a circle that represents the character of mankind. Now imagine that if someone sins, a spot—a moral blemish of sorts—appears in the circle, marring the character of man. If…

Hymn: “Jesus Shall Reign” by Isaac Watts

Jesus shall reign where’er the sunDoes His successive journeys run;His kingdom spread from shore to shore,Till moons shall wax and wane no more. To Him shall endless prayer be made,And…

The Confessing Church in History

Here’s an excerpt from The Confessing Church in History, John R. Muether’s contribution to the June issue of Tabletalk: From the very beginning, even in their Old Testament manifestation, the…

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