The Bible’s (Not So Secret) Secret to Contentment

Contemporary Western society is filled with a spirit of discontent. Yet we must admit that for many of us, discontentment isn’t a societal problem; it’s personal. Whether it comes from…

See Glory, Be Glorious: How Our Holiness Honors God – John Piper

ABSTRACT: The glory of God is God’s ultimate purpose in all he does, including the sanctification of his people. But God glorifies himself in sanctification’s process as well as its…

Why Comfortable Christians Go Prayerless – John Piper

Until we come awake to the great spiritual war that surrounds us, we will never truly know the privilege and power of prayer. Listen Now Read More Desiring God

The Privileges That Are Ours

The letter to the Hebrews, as our studies throughout the year have shown, is full of Old Testament language and ritual. Running throughout it is an ongoing sense that as…

Why Pray for Christ to Dwell in Believers? Ephesians 3:14–19, Part 6 – John Piper

If every Christian already has the Spirit of God, why does Paul pray that the Spirit would dwell in believers’ hearts through faith? Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Someone Needs Your Encouragement – Marshall Segal

When was the last time you felt meaningfully encouraged by another believer? Many of us may be able to quickly call to mind a conversation, maybe even from the past…

The Creation of the Household

Here’s an excerpt from The Creation of the Household, Michael G. McKelvey’s contribution to the July issue of Tabletalk: You cannot read the Scriptures without encountering the central importance of…

Living Hope for Languishing Hearts

Christians are not free from pain in this life. Pop theology may try to tell us that with enough faith, we won’t face heartache or feel crushed by sin and…

What book of the Bible can I study to help me in evangelism or apologetics?

Is there one book of the Bible that can especially help us present the gospel to a friend or defend our faith against critics? From an online youth conference hosted…

The Confusing and Perfect Love of Christ – Joe Rigney

My toddler has a little stuffed lamb. When you squeeze him, the lamb sings, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” Jesus loves me. Words…

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