What Is a Parachurch Ministry? Our Commitment to Love the Local Church – Jon Bloom

Parachurch ministries, at least as we in the West typically understand them, are relative newcomers in the history of the Christian church. The fact that we label them “parachurch” ministries…

Uncommon Brothers: Why God’s Men Need Good Men – Marshall Segal

Friendship, especially among men, is something we lament when absent and yet often take for granted when we have it. Good brothers are hard to find, and surprisingly easy to…

How Do I Wage War on My Self-Pity? – John Piper

At the cross, Christ canceled all our sins through his blood. Now, by the Spirit, we work to conquer every canceled sin. Listen Now Read More Desiring God

Every Letter Kills, Including Shakespeare: Pressing Through Texts in the Power of the Spirit – John Piper

To exposit a text is only one part of preaching and teaching. We must drill down into the words and unearth the reality that holds the text together. Watch Now…

The Church Irreplaceable: Why God’s People Must Gather – Matt Smethurst

Remember way back in the day, in an era long since passed, when going to church was routine and expected and easy to take for granted? Are you struggling to…

Justice Is Coming: The Glory of Christ as Judge of the World – David Mathis

Christians do not settle in with injustice in this age. Even as it surrounds us. Even as we find its impulses within us. In Christ, we aim and act for…

Reformation Theology in the Hands of a Servant: My Tribute to J.I. Packer (1926–2020) – John Piper

J.I. Packer wrote a postcard to me dated December 18, 1990, which included this sentence in his tiny handwriting: “Creep up behind your wife, whisper in her ear Ellis Peters,…

How Do Predestination and Election Relate? Ephesians 1:3–6, Part 12 – John Piper

What is the distinction between election and predestination? Are they the same thing? Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Seven Lessons for Productivity – John Piper

After fifteen hundred episodes of the Ask Pastor John podcast, Pastor John shares seven lessons that have inspired him to labor faithfully over decades. Listen Now Read More Desiring God

The World Needs More Faithful Men – Scott Hubbard

Hidden among the nine shining fruit of the Spirit is a virtue some men might find bland. Compared to other marks of Christlikeness, its grandeur may seem small; its glory,…

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