The Helmet, the Sword, and the Seriousness of the War: Ephesians 6:14–17, Part 8 – John Piper

Those who are eternally secure still need a helmet, a sword, and a shield. They still need to put on armor and fight the war. Watch Now Read More Desiring…

A Most Harmful Medicine: How Subjectivism Poisons a Society – Joe Rigney

Many people know C.S. Lewis as the author and creator of Narnia. A slightly smaller group know him as a remarkably effective Christian apologist. An even smaller group appreciate him…

How Do I Make Christian Hedonism My Own? – John Piper

Some teachers influence us so deeply that we find ourselves imitating them without trying. So how can we move past imitation to make biblical truth our own? Listen Now Read…

Christ Died to Make Us Holy: And Why Some Preachers Avoid It – John Piper

There is a kind of unhealthy preaching that fails to make plain the effective connection between the sin-bearing work of Christ and the sin-killing work of the Christian. Watch Now…

When My Mother Became Annie’s Mom: A Tribute to a Woman’s Great Love – Jon Bloom

It’s one of my favorite memories of my mother, Marilyn. She’s standing on the platform in the sanctuary of Wayzata Evangelical Free Church, where she’s been a member for over…

How the Shield of Faith Blocks Satanic Arrows: Ephesians 6:14–17, Part 7 – John Piper

If you are a Christian, you have a supernatural enemy who every day aims his arrows at you. Do you know how to use your shield? Watch Now Read More…

Five Steps into the Pulpit: A Paradigm That Transforms Preaching – Lewis Guest IV

Brother preachers, Sunday morning has come upon you again. The call to proclaim God’s word beckons you to the pulpit, and what a mighty summons it is. We are dispatched…

Why Dead Men Must Die – John Piper

Paul says we all were dead apart from Christ, but he also says we died when we were united to Christ. In what sense, then, do dead men die? Listen…

Stuck Between the World and God: How I Almost Died in Indecision – Greg Morse

Some texts mark you for life. As Jacob, you grapple with them, and though you come away with a blessing, you leave with a limp. You think differently. You pray…

The Word of God Is Worth the Work – Scott Hubbard

Colorado’s Rocky Mountain Range is home to 58 peaks that reach 14,000 feet above sea level. “Fourteeners,” they’re called. Fifty-seven of those 58 peaks are accessible only by a long…

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