Tradition Is Not a Dirty Word: 1 Thessalonians 2:13–16, Part 1 – John Piper

The apostle Paul did not think “tradition” was a dirty word. He wanted churches to receive and pass along a certain type of tradition. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

We Need More Holy Fools: How God Awakened Me to Eternity – Scott Hubbard

A man is trapped in a car, rushing down a hill toward a cliff. The doors are locked. The brakes are out. The steering barely works. Far ahead, he can…

Fighting for Faith in the Entertainment Age – John Piper

In an age inundated with entertainment, how do Christians stay awake to the glory of Christ and help others do the same? Listen Now Read More Desiring God

Meeting God in Middle-earth: How I Teach Theology with Tolkien – Matt Crutchmer

ABSTRACT: Reason and imagination are partners in the task of theology. If reason helps us speak precisely, distinguish carefully, and penetrate reality down to its principles, imagination embodies reason’s abstract…

Death to the Patriarchy? Complementarity and the Scandal of ‘Father Rule’ – Kevin DeYoung

What is the difference between patriarchy and complementarity — and which is the better term for capturing the full vision of Christian manhood and womanhood? Most complementarians steadfastly avoid the…

The Greatest Crescendo of Life and History: 1 Thessalonians 2:9–12, Part 5 – John Piper

The greatest crescendo we could possibly experience in life is to be called by God into his kingdom and enjoy his beauty forever. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Should Non-Christians Pray for Faith? – John Piper

Saving faith is the gift of God, who opens blind eyes and raises dead hearts. So what can unbelievers do when they find themselves unable to believe on their own?…

Some Conflict Is Healthy: How Division Can Serve Churches – Marshall Segal

In most cases, cruelty — not wisdom — would have told them to cut the baby in two. How many kings in history would have had the sword brought, not…

Tenacious Grace: How We Become and Stay One – Jon Bloom

When I was a kid in the seventies, we often sang a song at church events and camps with this lyric: We are one in the Spirit; We are one…

To Men Who Want to Marry: How to Prepare to Lead Well – Bryan Stoudt

A few months into our marriage, it dawned on me: I was unprepared, as though I had studied for the wrong exam. Before our wedding, I had thought daily devotions,…

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