Future Pastors Need Mentors – Charles Wingard

We all need mentors. With so many voices telling us what to do, it’s vitally important that we have godly, thoughtful, experienced people showing us what to do. Preparing for…

Gideon’s Fleece: Discerning or Disobedient? – Karelynne Ayayo

Gideon is a well-known biblical figure. During a time of oppression at the hand of Midian, the Lord calls Gideon to save Israel (Judg. 6:11). The angel of the Lord…

The Uighurs of China: A People in Peril – Greg Turner

The Uighurs (pronounced “Wee-gers”) are a Central Asian people group relatively unknown to the Western world. The majority of them live in northwest China, in an area known as the…

Should Christians Be Skeptical About Counseling? – Nate Brooks

In this episode of TGC Q&A’s biblical counseling series, Nate Brooks answers the question, “Should Christians be skeptical about counseling?” He addresses: Encouraging reluctant people toward counseling (:35) Allowing others…

Church Planter’s Wives in the Age of Outrage – Jen Oshman

I’ll be candid: my stomach has been in knots for months. I feel like a kid trying to navigate divorced parents again. I stare into my coffee cup and wonder…

The Evangelistic Power of Listening and Asking – Ginger Blomberg

“When’s the last time you shared the gospel with someone,” my friend Claire asked me recently. “Not just talked about Jesus but really told someone the gospel story?” Well, it’s…

Quality Christian Music: 15 Artists to Watch – Brett McCracken

Last summer I compiled a list of 14 newer, lesser-known Christian artists who are musically interesting and unapologetic about their faith. Many readers told me how much they appreciated it,…

Why Did Jesus Command Others to Be Silent About Him? – Greg Lanier

Batman has the wealthy businessman persona. Spiderman has school and a camera. Superman has, well, glasses. Each of these classic superheroes hides his true identity underneath the (admittedly thin) layer…

Millions of Kids Won’t Be at School This Fall. Christians Can Step Up to Serve. – Heidi Carlson

This week California announced that the 2020–2021 school year will start online for several of its most populous counties. Many such announcements will likely be made across the country. For…

5 Reasons the Trinity Matters So Much – Kaitlin Miller

We’re told it’s difficult to describe, impossible to understand, and not even found in the Bible. So why should we care about the Trinity, aside from the fact that it’s…

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