Report: Christian Schools Instill a ‘Protestant Family Ethic’ – Joe Carter

The Story: A new report finds that students who attend private schools—especially Protestant Christian schools—are more likely to forge successful families as adult men and women. The Background: A recently…

3 Reasons Evangelicals Shouldn’t Become Roman Catholic – Chris Castaldo

The much-publicized “reversion” of former Christianity Today editor Mark Galli (he’d been baptized in the Roman Catholic Church as a child) quite naturally leads thoughtful sons and daughters of the Reformation…

Nietzsche Was Right – Tim Keller

Tom Holland has written a book that is not so much a history of Christianity, but a history of the complex role Christianity played in the formation of modern Western…

Upholding the Dignity of Singleness in the Church – Matt Hodges

I recently preached a sermon on singleness and was shocked by the feedback I received. Several single brothers and sisters told me it was the first time they’d heard singleness…

The Good Death in Psalm 73 – Timothy Kleiser

“It is not my intention to give away the plot; but I think I die at the end,” says Vivian Bearing at the beginning of Wit, the Pulitzer Prize–winning play…

America’s Secession Threat – David French

It happened before. Can it happen again? I’m talking about secession. That’s the question that animates David French’s new book, Divided We Fall: America’s Secession Threat and How to Restore…

Introducing TGC Essays: Theology for the Global Church – Phil Thompson

For more than a decade, The Gospel Coalition has been publishing a wide range of articles, podcasts, videos, books, and more. This work is driven by an observation in our…

What ‘Taking the Lord’s Name in Vain’ Really Means – Josh Philpot

Life continues amid a pandemic, but it seems we’ve lost the stability we once enjoyed, both as individuals and also as a church. The hour is desperate. How should we…

5 Factors Fueling Dangerous Beliefs in America – Joe Carter

The Story: A new survey on Holocaust knowledge reveals how many Americans live in alternative realities in which Holocaust denial and neo-Nazism are acceptable. Here are five factors shaping such…

Secondary Infertility: Awkward Sorrow, Useful Instructor – Nana Dolce

I often tell people that my two children were “born of prayer.” What I mean is that getting pregnant took longer and required more prayer than I ever imagined before…

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