Cultivating Christlike Virtue in a Virtue-Signaling Age – Dustin Crowe

In You Are What You Love, James K. A. Smith critiques American evangelicalism for equating knowledge with spiritual maturity. What we think is often prized above all, leading to “bobblehead…

Susie Spurgeon’s Gospel Initiative – Christy Britton

I’m exceptionally ordinary. I serve in backgrounds, not in spotlights. My gifts and skills, though valuable, are small. So when I’m confronted with the depth of darkness around me, when…

Make Your School Decision. Then Trust God. – Glenna Marshall

I never thought I’d add “face masks” to our school supply list. I never thought I’d have to decide if it’s safe to send my kids to school. I never…

No, Science Can’t Provide Morals: Why the New View (Still) Falls Short – Brad Sickler

We look to science for help now more than ever. If there’s a problem to solve, or a disagreement to settle, or a mystery to unravel, we’ve grown accustomed to…

How to Nominate a Book for TGC’s 2020 Book Awards – Ivan Mesa

Dear publishers, Each year at The Gospel Coalition we review or spotlight over 200 books, culminating with our annual book awards where we select winners in the following 11 categories:…

On My Shelf: Life and Books with Christopher Ash – Ivan Mesa

On My Shelf helps you get to know various writers through a behind-the-scenes glimpse into their lives as readers. I asked Christopher Ash—writer-in-residence at Tyndale House, author of Married for God,…

What Should I Do When Coworkers Use Bad Language? – Russ Gehrlein

I’ve worked a number of “blue collar” jobs over the years (landscaping, construction, security, etc.). On each jobsite, my coworkers frequently used profane, sexist, and racist language in their humor…

Are We Held Accountable for the Sins of Our Forefathers? – Kyle Dillon

In Jeremiah 31–32, the prophet offers words of hope to his fellow Jews exiled in Babylon. In response to their complaint that they were suffering unjustly for the sins of…

20 Quotes on (Better) Loving Your Church – Matt Smethurst

I (Matt Smethurst) recently read Megan Hill’s new book, A Place to Belong: Learning to Love the Local Church (Crossway, 2020), which I highly recommend. Here were my favorite 20…

Journey with John Flavel Toward Fearlessness – Laura Powell

Laura Powell led a workshop during The Gospel Coalition’s 2018 Women’s Conference message titled “Journey with John Flavel Toward Fearlessness.” Fear is a common emotion that drives each of us,…

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