My Vision-Casting Regret –

“What’s your biggest regret over the last year?” My wife’s question pierced the silence. For the first time in months we had a quiet day together. We began processing this…

Looking for a Gospel Opening? Ask About Their Tattoo. –

“I like your ink,” I say casually as I walk past the woman in my exercise class. “Thanks,” she mumbles, eyeing me with that look. It’s the look people give…

Sean of the South on Learning You’ll Be Ok –

Everyone loves a good story. Especially in these hard times. Or maybe not. Should we be swapping yarns while the world burns? Maybe we need less levity, more solemnity, when…

The Korean Diaspora and the Great Century of Missions –

The common narrative explaining the rise of Asian Christianity in the modern age is a story of Western goers sent by Western senders, and there’s some truth to that. The…

Bring Your Distress to Jesus –

In the past several months, myriad forces of stress have intruded into the lives of millions of Americans.  COVID-19, for example, hasn’t only disrupted our sense of safety—it’s also disrupted…

No, Nicaea Didn’t Create the Canon –

Ideas have consequences. One idea that has yielded dangerous consequences is the notion that the Council of Nicaea (AD 325), under the authority of Roman emperor Constantine, established the Christian…

The Book Tim Keller Says We Can’t Do Without –

Dynamics of Spiritual Life is a book we can’t do without. Richard Lovelace’s classic was amazingly prescient when first published 40 years ago, and it’s still relevant to many of…

Riots in John Piper’s Neighborhood –

In the nights following George Floyd’s death, the sky along Lake Street in Minneapolis was bright with fire. Rioters burned an AutoZone, a cellphone store, and the Town Talk Diner.…

How Can an Unchanging God Regret Making Saul King? –

As a father, one of the most frustrating things I can do to my children is change my mind. Imagine I send the kids off for a day at school…

What You Should Know About the 2020 Republican Party Platform –

Prior to next week’s Republican National Convention the GOP voted to adopt their party’s platform (which remains largely unchanged from the 2016 version), a document that outlines the statement of…

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