How Scripture Speaks to the Black Experience –

Nearly every book is a part of an ongoing conversation. Reading While Black: African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope steps into the dialogue around a question that…

Songs to Help Kids Love God: 14 Artists to Know –

As a newish dad of young kids (2-year-old and 1-month-old boys), one of my biggest burdens is how their hearts and minds will be shaped to love God and his…

The Impact of Kenya’s School Shutdown Until 2021 –

One of the biggest changes the pandemic has brought to our way of life is the way we educate our children. In the United States, many schools are beginning the…

Early Christianity Was Mocked for Welcoming Women –

I recently received a question on Twitter about where, in patristic sources, we see early Christianity mocked for being a religion filled with women. The short answer: lots of places. Before…

I Was Too Young to Be a Pastor –

It was the worst feeling I’ve ever had in church, a gut-wrenching emptiness that sprung from a complete separation from what I felt was my lifelong calling. The music was…

Looking Back So We Can Move Forward in a Secular Age –

After growing up in a Christian home, I began to experience doubts about Christianity in college. Struggling through some nagging questions, one thing that brought relief was realizing I wasn’t…

What Is the Place of God’s Word in My Ministry? –

Jackie Hill Perry and Colleen McFadden discuss the place of God’s Word in ministry. They address:  The purpose of the Bible and biblical ministry (0:31) The value of ministry of…

What You Should Know About the 2020 American Solidarity Party Platform –

Although minor parties—often called “third parties” to distinguish them from the dominant two—have always been a part of American politics, the dissatisfaction with the Republican and Democratic parties in the…

He’s Still There and Still Not Silent—Revisiting Francis Schaeffer’s Classic –

Is there a God? If so, has he spoken to us in ways we can understand? Or must we rely on some irrational experience or guesswork for relating to God…

Is America Still an Option for Christians Fleeing Persecution? –

I recently started walking through the process of applying for asylum with a new friend. I can’t say much about her situation, but her public profession of faith in Christ…

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